绥德石雕文化源远流长,我们惊叹于它的宏伟,更折服于它的底蕴。在历史的长河里,它用身躯记录着中华文化,这一点,在绥德石牌楼上得到了充分的诠释。石牌楼位于绥德县城东南,因其规模宏大、雕刻精细而被称为“天下第一楼”。 Suide stone carving culture has a long history. We are amazed at its grandeur and even more impressed by its heritage. In the long river of history, it has recorded Chinese culture with its body, which has been fully explained in the Suide Stone Archway. The Stone Archway is located in the southeast of Suide County and because of its grand scale and fine carvings, it is called "the first stone archway in the world". 中国历代的石牌楼一般都是三门四柱,而绥德石牌楼为五门六柱,所以说这里是中国最大的石结构牌楼。石牌楼始建于2002年,作为最大的石结构牌楼,其间的石刻工艺令中外游客叹为观止。 Many stone archways in the Chinese dynasties are usually of three doors and four columns, while Suide Stone Archway has five doors and six columns, so it has been called the largest stone structure archway in China. The Stone Archway is built in 2002 and as the largest stone structure archway, its craftsmanship amazes Chinese and foreign tourists. 石牌楼为五门六柱十九楼,双面单式结构,长36.9米,高16.9米。石牌楼上有楹联66幅,由一千一百六十八块雕石、六十六幅人物典故浮雕组成。 The Stone Archway has five doors, six columns and nineteen floors. It has a double-sided single structure with a length of 36.9 meters and a height of 16.9 meters. There are 66 couplets on it and it is composed of 1,168 carved stones and 66 reliefs of allusions to figures. 石牌楼内容博大精深,囊括了天上飞的,地上走的,水中游的吉祥如意之物。石牌坊上铭刻了虞姑、扶苏、蒙恬、李广、昭君、文姬、韩世忠、马汝骥等发生在当地的历史故事。浮雕中刻有莲花、古松、牡丹、寒梅等,令人赏心悦目。 The content of the Stone Archway is extensive and profound, including the auspicious things that are flying in the sky, walking on the ground and swimming in the water. The local historical stories of Yugu, Fusu, Meng Tian, Li Guang, Zhaojun, Wenji, Han Shizhong and Ma Ruji are inscribed on it. The reliefs are engraved with lotus, ancient pine, peony and cold plum and so on,which are pleasing to the eyes. 除了精美的浮雕,石牌楼上的刻字更是一大亮点。在石牌楼上,最显目的就是牌头由著名书法家钟明善所雅题的“天下名州”四个大字。 In addition to the exquisite reliefs, the inscription on the Stone Archway is a highlight.On the Stone Archway, the most conspicuous thing is the four big characters of "Tian Xia Ming Zhou" ,which was inscribed elegantly by the famous calligrapher Zhong Mingshan. “两河不息记载着千古风流人物河侧青山山侧白云此处曾是汉关秦 四路无阻贯通了万里锦绣神州路边长堤堤边绿树这时已为舜日尧天” "Wuding River and Dali River run continuously and here records heroes from ancient to the present. Beside the river is the mountain, beside the mountain is the cloud and here used to be the border of the Qin and Han dynasties. All roads are not blocked through thousands of miles of beautiful rivers and mountains. The roadside is a long embankment and beside embankment are a lot of green trees and here has already been a peaceful scene." 这副楹联大气而不失委婉,属润笔添彩之作,有画龙点睛之功,大大升华了石牌楼的艺术品位。另外,石牌楼前雄踞着一“天下狮王”,一身豪气、霸气。它昂首挺胸,血盆大口,两眼凝视远方,用王者风范守着这座前所未有的文化大工程。 This pair of couplets is elegant and tactful, and it is a embellishment. It has the finishing touch and greatly sublimates the artistic of the Stone Archway.In addition, in front of the Stone Archway stands a "Lion King of the World", full of heroic spirit and domineering. With its head holding high, mouth opening wide and eyes staring into the distance, it guards this unprecedented cultural project with the demeanor of a king. 石牌楼是绥德人的一部不朽的历史,融了华夏民族的美德,成了千年来绥德石雕文化的集大成者,成了天下名州的第一楼。 The Stone Archway is an immortal history of the Suide people. It integrates the virtues of the Chinese nation, and has become a collection of the Suide stone carving culture for thousands of years and the first building of the famous state in the world. 欢迎大家对学院工作献策献计,有任何意见和建议请反映至邮箱:xisuedu2021@163.com 优秀英师学子等您来发掘,如需联系请拨打学院就业专线: 本科生:029-85319856(王老师,史老师) 研究生:029-85319853(薛老师) |