
AIM | 景德镇陶溪川酒店凯悦臻选

发表于 2022-2-15 18:19:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Jingdezhen, in Northeastern Jiangxi, is the porcelain capital of the world. For over 1,000 years, it served emperors of all dynasties, and its finest creations heralded as the cream of the East. It is the origin of porcelain, and with that, like a road stretched out ahead, a whole new world opens up. 


From translucent white to glazing greens and blues, from the Silk Road to the kilns, porcelain isn’t just a product; it’s an art form, a way of being.Thus, Altera is a cultural destination hotel. Here, marble makes way forceramics. 


Set in phase 2 of Taoxichuan, the Art & Tourism development in the heart of Jingdezhen,the project celebrates all things ceramic in a one-of-a-kind hotel, The Unbound Collection by Hyatt.Its contemporary brick architecture was designed by David Chipperfield’sstudio and consists of three courtyard blocks connected by a generous interiorstreet. 


The project,named “The Road of a Fascination,” is a story of a journey: Like the long andfascinating life of porcelain, a journey toward the unknown, the unexpected, anurge to find the truth, and all the encounters in between. 


With this inmind, the physical spaces are divided by themes that feature the porcelainjourney from China’s origin, eventually spread and influence in the broader world,and return to its native home. The different spaces are the origin (Lobby), thecreation (Lounge), the discovery (Ballroom), the fascination (All Day Dining),the appreciation (SPA & Pool), and the return (Guestrooms).


Each space explores and uses ceramic differently, pulling out different colors andtextures. Each area is a piece of the journey. The project seeks to unite rawand refinement, turning ceramics into architecture, interior, furniture, and patterns.


AIM’s approach towards the interiors was first to ‘finish the architecture’:extending the brick facades of the exterior to the interiors, thereby using the architecture instead of replacing it. 


Our second move was to dedicate each of the three volumes to one technique.The lounge uses green Celadon glazing. The restaurant and spa are committed to the methods of using cobalt for blue coloring. The meeting and ballroom are all about the lightness and transparency of porcelain. To move through the hotel is to move through different techniques of porcelain. An array of marble in astandard hotel is transformed here to a kaleido scope of skill and technique. 


The centerpiece in the connecting street is inspired by the fire kilns that bake the porcelain—Black, a landscape of platforms to put art to be or art that has become. Foof lights evoke the powerful heat of the kilns.


The guest areas are more subtle and grounded. Called Ateliers, they are places for guests to return to, retreat, and refresh among the unglazed and more workshop-like textures, “benches” and shelves. Clay tones dominate, and canvas walls create solitude and opportunities for encounters with material and uniqueness. 


As a whole, the hotel is a tribute to the technique and experience of porcelain in the heart of its birth place. It is worth a journey now as much as was in the times of the Portuguese or Dutch tradesmen and emperors. Here, ceramic is commemorated in a way it has never been, expressing both as an honest material and exploring its versatility and power in interior design.



业主 | 景德镇陶邑文化发展有限公司项目

地点 中国景德镇

建筑面积 25,000平方米

建成时间 2021

建筑设计 大卫·奇普菲尔德建筑事务所

恺慕设计范围 室内设计+软装设计

设计总监 WendySaunders,Vincent de Graaf

设计主管 林雅琪

设计经理 盛玲

项目建筑师 AlbaGalan

设计团队 蔡宁远,Davide Signorato, 邓海文,Ewa Szajda, 胡秀芝,Hwajung Song, 康瑾,沈思韵,袁晨

软装团队 LiliCheng,陈晓雯

陈列 Victor Mongin,王尤宝儿

施工方  苏州金螳螂建筑装饰股份有限公司

摄影 WenStudio


监制 | Linda
编辑 | Judy
策划 | Sansan
案例来源 | AIM

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