提示:点击↑上方"小芳老师",免费关注 关注回复"福利",送您优质英文有声读物 广州,简称“穗”,别称羊城、花城。广州是首批国家历史文化名城,广府文化的发祥地,从秦朝开始一直是郡治、州治、府治的所在地,华南地区的政治、军事、经济、文化和科教中心。接下来让我们一起来看看广州一些著名景点的英文表达吧!
Shaxiang Island is probably the richest place of European customs in China. It retains the European customs of the 19th century Anglo-French concession completely and is a famous foreign affairs tourist area and historical relic protection area in Guangzhou. (沙面岛,可能是中国最富有欧陆风情的地方,较完整地保留19世纪英法租界欧陆风情风貌,是广州著名的外事游览区和历史文物保护区。) Canton Tower also known as guangzhou new TV tower, nicknamed Small waist. It is the tallest tower in China and the 4th tallest tower in the world. It has cantilever corridor, sky ladder, 4D and 3D dynamic cinema, Chinese and Western food, exhibition facilities, shopping mall and science exhibition hall.(广州塔又称广州新电视塔,昵称小蛮腰。是中国第一高塔,世界第四高塔,有悬空走廊,天梯,4D和3D动感影院,中西美食,会展设施,购物商场及科普展示厅。) 长隆野生动物世界 Chimelong Wildlife World Chimelong Wildlife World is known as "China's most international level wildlife park", is the world's largest wildlife theme park with the largest animal population. (长隆野生动物世界被誉为“中国最具国际水准的野生动物园”,是全世界动物种群最多、最大的野生动物主题公园。) 石室圣心大教堂 Stone Chamber Sacred Heart Cathedral Stone Chamber Sacred Heart Cathedralis the most magnificent and characteristic cathedral in Guangzhou diocese. The Sacre Coeur cathedral was designed by French designers and built by Chinese craftsmen. (石室圣心大教堂是天主教广州教区最宏伟、最具有特色的一间大教堂。石室圣心大教堂由法国设计师设计,中国工匠建造而成。) Baiyun Mountain,located in Baiyun District, Guangzhou city,Guangdong Province, is one of the famous mountains in Southern Guangdong province. The mountain is quite broad, composed of more than 30 peaks, as the branch of Guangdong's highest peak Jiulian Mountain.(白云山,位于广东省广州市白云区,为南粤名山之一。山体相当宽阔,由30多座山峰组成,为广东最高峰九连山的支脉。) 广州其他景点的英文表达:
Chen clan academy 陈家祠
Yuexiu park 越秀公园
Guangdong Museum 广东省博物馆
Shangxiajiu Pedestrian Street 上下九步行街
Nanyue Tomb Museum 南越王墓博物馆
Zhongshan Memorial Hall 中山纪念馆
Lingnan Impression Garden 岭南印象园
The site of the Huangpu Military Academy 黄埔军校旧址 微信公众号改版,订阅号消息不再按时间排序,为了防止迷路,希望小可爱们可以动动小小手点个“在看”或者将“小芳老师”添加到★“星标”☆中!让系统知道这是你喜欢看的公众号,这样我们就可以一直就可以永远幸福在一起啊! 声明:本文转自网络,除特别注明原创授权转载文章外,其他文章均为转载,版权归原作者或平台所有。如有侵权,请后台联系,告知删除,谢谢