

发表于 2022-9-3 22:59:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



Close to the Southern Alps, it was once famous for its gold rush and is a tourist attraction for New Zealand. 

With complete tourism facilities and convenient transportation, it is a good place for fishing, water skiing and rafting. There are various shops, authentic crafts and fine jewelry. 

There are many Chinese restaurants, which are very popular among tourists.

2、伊甸山(Mount Eden)


Mount Eden is  located about 5 kilometers south of the city center, it is the crater of an extinct volcano. 

There is a gazebo on the top of the mountain with a wide view and is a great place to look out over the city. 

In addition, you can visit the remains of the Maori fortress in the 12th century.



There is a gazebo on the top of the mountain with a wide view and is a great place to look out over the city. In addition, you can visit the remains of the Maori fortress in the 12th century.



The Sky Tower is located in the heart of Auckland. At 328 meters high, it is the standard building in Auckland and the tallest building in the southern hemisphere. 

It is integrated into other buildings to form the huge SkyCity, home to New Zealand's largest casino, ten restaurants and bars, 4 stars + hotels, theaters and many unique tourist adventures. 

It also has a huge underground car park and an intercity bus terminal.



The Harbour Bridge connects Auckland's busiest port, the north and south banks of the Whitimata Harbour, to a total length of 1,020 meters. 

It is a spectacular picture with a 10,000-column mast anchored at the Auckland Boat Club.



New Zealand's “Pacific Rim” cuisine is influenced by Europe, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Polynesia, Japan and Vietnam. 

This combination of local specialties is served in cafes and restaurants across the country. New Zealand's art and culture is derived from all races and combines the qualities of Maori, European, Asian and Oceanian.

Maori have a rich and lively culture that retains their long-standing connection to the spiritual and natural world. They passed on their own family by means of their special "mihi" (greeting).












New Zealand (New Zealand), and New Zealand, is a political system of constitutional monarchy mix of British parliamentary democracy country, currently he is member of the commonwealth of New Zealand is located in the southwest Pacific, and territory is made up of two large islands, the north island south island by the cook strait separating, south island near Antarctica, on the other side of the north island and Fiji and tonga Auckland, Wellington and the largest city in the capital are located in the north island.

New Zealand is a highly developed capitalist countries of the world bank will be listed as one of the countries of the world's most convenient business in New Zealand, its economy from a predominantly agricultural successfully transition to industrialization of internationally competitive free-market economy antler mutton dairy and coarse wool exports to the world.

Is also one of the most beautiful country in Oceania, New Zealand has a population of 4.47 million people, the land area of 268680 square kilometers, has a long white cloud, three common 14 national park Ocean Park three world heritage sites, including one for dual heritage.

New Zealand is the most beautiful parts of the island bay, where the major cities are: Patricia, Russell and huai tang Russell was the first capital of New Zealand, Patricia position between belong to island bay, there are more hotels Huai tang, in 1840, the Maori and European treaty room in her womb tang yi (TreatyHouse) jointly signed Huai tang's treaty The house is still standing in the open and peaceful park Other important scenic spots here have wholly marae (MaoriMeetingHouse) the Maori's biggest battle ship tourist center and the museum of art Huai tang yi people's minds in New Zealand occupies an extremely important position, is interested in New Zealand's history and culture of tourist "musts.

New Zealand famous attractions: with gold is famous tourist resort - Queenstown (Queenstown) the world's first garden city, Christchurch (Christchurch) with the death of the observatory crater - mount Eden (MountEden) have described Maori village of our tile tribal history In the southern hemisphere's tallest building, the sky tower Auckland's busiest port, harbour bridge, and so on .


新西兰(New Zealand),又译纽西兰,是一个政治体制实行君主立宪制混合英国式议会民主制的国家,现为英联邦成员国之一。新西兰位于太平洋西南部,领土由南岛、北岛两大岛屿组成,以库克海峡分隔,南岛邻近南极洲,北岛与斐济及汤加相望。首都惠灵顿以及最大城市奥克兰均位于北岛 。

新西兰是一个高度发达的资本主义国家。世界银行将新西兰列为世界上最方便营商的国家之一 ,其经济成功地从以农业为主,转型为具有国际竞争力的工业化自由市场经济 。鹿茸、羊肉、奶制品和粗羊毛的出口值皆为世界第一 。





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