
外宣英文 | CNN评选的中国最美40大景点(2)

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外宣英文学习 | CNN评选的中国最美40大景点(1)
11. Hebei: Chengde Mountain Resort/Rehe Palace (河北承德避暑山庄/热河行宫)

作为联合国教科文组织的世界遗产,这座避暑山庄曾经是清朝皇帝度假的避暑山庄。 精致的花园和70米高的宝塔仍然保留着。 郁郁葱葱的草原,神奇的山脉和宁静的山谷仍然使它成为一个凉爽的地方,以避免炎热。 
A UNESCO World Heritage Site, this mountain resort was once a summer palace used by Qing Dynasty emperors on holiday. Delicate gardens and a 70-meter pagoda remain. Lush grasslands, marvelous mountains and tranquil valleys still make it a cool place to avoid the heat.
Shuttle buses depart from Beijing to Chengde hourly during the day, ticket is RMB 50
12. Heilongjiang: Saint Sophia Cathedral, Harbin (黑龙江省哈尔滨市圣索非亚大教堂)
The largest Orthodox church in East and Southeast Asia stands in China's most Russian-accented city, Harbin.
20世纪初,俄罗斯侨民建造了这座高54米、721平方米的新拜占庭式建筑,作为俄日战争后当地东正教社区的精神象征。 大约20年来,这座教堂一直被共产党用作仓库,现在是一座国有博物馆,展示这座城市的建筑、艺术和遗产。 
Russian expats built the 54-meter-tall, 721-square-meter neo-Byzantine structure in the early 20th century as a spiritual symbol for the local Orthodox community after the Russian-Japanese War. The church was used as a warehouse by the Communist Party for about two decades and is now a state-run museum showcasing the city's architecture, art and heritage.

13. Henan: Longtan Valley (河南龙潭大峡谷)


不,你不在犹他州。 这是河南。 这个长12公里的u形山谷以一条紫红色石英砂岩为标志,赢得了“中国狭峡第一谷”的称号。 它陡峭的悬崖、繁茂的植被和锯齿状的山谷吸引了来自中国各地的游客。 
Nope, you're not in Utah. It's Henan. This 12-kilometer, U-shaped valley marked by a stripe of purplish red quartz sandstone has earned the name, "The No.1 Valley of Narrow Gorges in China." Its steep cliffs, lush vegetation and jagged valley attract sightseers from all over China.
离龙潭谷最近的交通枢纽是河南省的一个主要城市洛阳。 大约有60公里远。 与洛阳机场直航的主要城市包括上海、北京、广州和香港。 
The nearest traffic hub to Longtan Valley is Luoyang, a major city in Henan Province. It's about 60 kilometers away. Major cities connected to Luoyang Airport by direct flights include Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and Hong Kong.

14. Hubei: One Incense Pillar, Enshi Canyon (湖北恩施大峡谷一柱香)

这不是中国版的《布偶大烧杯》(Beaker the Muppet); 它是一根喀斯特石柱,矗立在108公里长的恩施峡谷的悬崖和山峰之间,恩施峡谷是中国的大峡谷。 这个香薰形状的建筑高150米,但宽只有4米,让人难以置信的是,它竟然屹立不倒,更不用说它经受了几次大地震的考验。 
This is not the profile of Beaker the Muppet's giant Chinese cousin; it's a karst pillar standing between the cliffs and peaks of the 108-kilometer-long Enshi Canyon, China's answer to the Grand Canyon. This incense stick-shaped structure is 150 meters tall, but only 4 meters wide, making it incredible that it stands at all, let alone that it's survived several major earthquakes.
当地的传说认为,这根柱子是神赐给机灵的土家族的香。 居民们可以在灾难发生时点燃它,神就会降临帮助他们。 
Local legend holds that the pillar is a piece of incense given by a deity to the ingenious Tujia people. The residents could light it in times of disaster and the deity would descend to help.
Enshi is approximately 230 kilometers west of Yichang, site of the Three Gorges Dam, and 530 kilometers west of Wuhan, the provincial capital of Hubei.

15. Hubei: Shennongjia (湖北神农架)

More than 400 people claim to have seen a Bigfoot-like creature among the lush vegetation of Shennongjia over the past century, yet no hard evidence has been found to prove the "yeti's" existence.
这个3200平方公里的自然保护区还号称是“世界中纬度地区唯一保存完好的亚热带森林生态系统”,拥有5000多种动植物。 它是金丝猴(金丝猴)的家园,金丝猴是中国的一种珍稀保护物种。 
The 3,200-square-kilometer nature reserve also purports to be "the only well-preserved sub-tropical forest ecosystem in the world's mid-latitudes," with more than 5,000 species of animals and plants. It's home to snub-nosed or golden monkeys (金丝猴), a rare and protected species in China.

16. Hunan: Fenghuang (湖南凤凰)

  • (图片来自网络,侵删)

  • 凤凰是一个保存完好的文化古城
Fenghuang is a well-preserved cultural town.
这些吊脚楼是中国艺术和文学爱好者梦寐以求的住所。 每年,年轻的背包客成群结队地涌向古镇凤凰,因为这里有丰富的苗族和土家族民族文化。 
These stilted houses are the dream lodgings of Chinese art and literature lovers. Every year, armies of young backpackers flock to the ancient town of Fenghuang (which literally means "Phoenix") for its rich Miao and Tujia ethnic culture.
许多人来这里是为了向中国著名作家沈从文致敬,沈从文的小说《边城》让这座有着1300年历史的小镇成为人们关注的焦点。 凤凰城保持着原有的布局和建筑,拥有约200幢住宅、20条街道和10条蜿蜒的小巷,这些都可以追溯到明代。 
Many also come to pay homage to celebrated Chinese writer Shen Congwen (沈从文), whose novel "Frontier City" put the 1,300-year-old town in limelight. Fenghuang maintains its original layout and architecture, with around 200 residential buildings, 20 streets and 10 winding alleys, all of which date as far back as the Ming dynasty.
凤凰位于湖南省会长沙以西430公里处。 从长沙西总站到凤凰总站,每天有四趟长途汽车,票价为130元。 这段路程将近4个小时。 
Fenghuang is 430 kilometers west of Changsha, the provincial capital of Hunan. Long-distance buses are available four times a day from West Changsha Bus Terminal to Fenghuang Bus Terminal for RMB 130. The journey takes nearly four hours.

17. Hunan: Zhangjiajie (湖南张家界)

  • (图片来自网络,侵删)

The giant quartz sand pillars of Wulingyuan are said to have been the inspiration for James Cameron's floating mountains on the planet Pandora in his Oscar-winning movie "Avatar."
事实上,中国南方湖南省张家界的武陵源地区就有3000多根这样的石柱。 石林中最高的柱子有400多米高。 武陵源当局已将其中一根石柱重新命名为“哈利路亚山”,这是潘多拉上主要浮动山峰的名字。 
In reality, the Wulingyuan area in Zhangjiajie, a city in Hunan Province in southern China, is home to more than 3,000 of these stone columns. The tallest pillar in the stone forest stands more than 400 meters high. Wulingyuan authorities have renamed one of the pillars "Mount Hallelujah," the name of the main floating peak on Pandora.
Zhangjiajie is about 320 kilometers northwest of Changsha, Hunan's provincial capital and the region's main traffic hub.

18. Inner Mongolia: Singing Sand Bay (内蒙古响沙湾)


沙子在唱歌,那是什么歌呢? 鸣沙湾,又名银垦沙湾,是一个110米高的沙丘,距离内蒙古主要城市包头50公里。 据说这里的风会以45度的角度下滑,轻声吟唱。 
The sand is singing, but what's the song? Singing Sand Bay, aka Yinken Sand Bay, is a 110-meter-high dune, 50 kilometers from Baotou, a major city of Inner Mongolia. Sliding off a 45-degree angle, the wind here is said to sing in soft whispers.
Batou can be reach from many major cities in China by air, including Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou

19. Jiangsu: Brahma Palace (江苏梵宫)

风水和佛教对中国影响深远。 两者都可以在梵天宫找到。 在小灵山脚下,靠近太湖和88米高的灵山大佛,故宫是中国风水的缩影——它被山和水包围,预示着好运和健康。 
Feng shui and Buddhism have deep influences on China. Both can be found at Brahma Palace. Beneath the foot of Little Lingshan Mountain, and near Taihu Lake and the 88-meter-tall Lingshan Giant Budda, the palace epitomizes Chinese feng shui -- it's surrounded by mountains and water, portending both good fortune and health.
Built for the Second World Buddhism Forum in 2009, the Buddhist theme park is filled with luxury, with gold and glamor gilding many surfaces.
Major cities connected to Wuxi Airport by direct flights include Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou.

20. Jiangxi: Mount Lu (江西庐山)

庐山国家公园自1996年被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产,以庐山为中心的庐山不仅是一个旅游景点。 它是中国文化和精神的象征。 中国古代和现代不同时期的1500多名著名画家和诗人——举两个例子,唐朝的李白(李白)和20世纪20年代的徐志摩(徐志摩)——都曾到这里寻求鹿晗的灵感。 绝壁上篆刻着诗作巨作。 
A UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1996,Lushan National Park, with its centerpiece of Mount Lu, is more than a tourist attraction. It's a cultural and spiritual symbol of China. Upward of 1,500 famed painters and poets from various periods of ancient and modern China -- Li Bai (李白) of the Tang Dynasty and Xu Zhimo (徐志摩) in 1920s, to name two -- have traveled here to be inspired by Lu. Masterpiece poems are engraved in calligraphy on the mountain cliffs.
最近的交通枢纽是庐山机场。 大约有10公里远。 通过直航与庐山机场相连的主要城市包括北京、上海和广州。 
The nearest traffic hub is Mount Lu Airport. It's about 10 kilometers away. Major cities connected to Mount Lu Airport by direct flights include Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

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