2020年5月29日 享誉全球的柏悦酒店集团 在中国的又一力作 苏州柏悦酒店 正式开幕迎宾 On May 29, 2020 Park Hyatt Suzhou by the prestigious Hyatt Group, celebrates its inauguration in China. 苏州柏悦酒店座落在美丽的金鸡湖畔,
是全球第45家、中国第9家柏悦。 Located by the Jinji Lake in the city, Park Hyatt Suzhou is the 45th masterwork worldwide and the 9th in China.
酒店节次鳞比的结构与颜色展现和谐的旋律 The structure and colors of the Hotel chime harmoniously in the dawn. 傍湖而建,依林而俏,展现了别具一格的 苏州宅邸的丰厚文化 Park Hyatt Suzhou presents the rich history of traditional Suzhou Mansion and the natural beauty of the Jinji Lake. 它的业主是装修了无数奢华酒店的金螳螂,再加上KPF的建筑设计及 Hirsch Bedner Associates的室内设计,惊艳动人。 Owned by Gold Mantis Co., Park Hyatt Suzhou is designed and constructed by Kohn Pedersen Fox New York, with interior design by Hirsch Bedner Associates. 酒店大堂灵感取自于苏州府邸的轿厅 The lobby comes from the concept of traditional sedan room in Suzhou Mansion. 大堂休憩区 | sitting area in the lobby 墙面柱身配以海棠花造型,精致奢美
棠花盈盈掬客喜,几前棱凳赏苏弹 Exquisite decoration in petal shape with fine furniture and curtains greet customers with oriental elegance.
大堂往外,可欣赏水池 建筑与盆栽相映成趣的中庭 大堂往前,是别具一格的前台接待区 The Reption area infuses 融中式方形天井、六棱椅, 及波洛克式的抽象风格的苏州园林风景画于一体 the traditional Chinese square skylight, hexagonal chairs and the abstract painting in Pollock style. 酒店的大堂吧悦厅 则沿袭古时苏州宅邸中女厅的设计 装点着手绘壁画的用餐大厅散发出女性的柔美之感 在左手边墙壁上的两幅画 源自雍正时期宫廷画师郎世宁画的 《雍正十二月行乐图》:四月流觞和腊月赏雪
作为苏州柏悦酒店的布艺供应商 广州源志诚完成了 酒店窗帘的供应及安装,以及客房家具布料供应 Guangzhou Yuanzhicheng
has completed the supply and installation of curtain systems of the hotel, as well as the supply of furniture fabrics in guest rooms.
客房 guest rooms
套房 Suites
夜晚的苏州柏悦如月光宝盒,流光溢彩 A glamorous view of the Hotel at night 苏灵蕴秀,日暮光流,夜绢暖缱绻 Suzhou element diffuses in the ambient red.
•源志诚完成全球700多间五星级酒店项目• Yuanzhicheng Completed over 700 Five-Star Hotel Projects Worldwide. 全球星级酒店、办公楼软装布艺、智能窗饰全产业链生产、服务商。
The Supplier of Fabric Products , Integrated Industry Chain manufacturer of Intelligent Window Treatment, Service Provider for Five-Star Hotels and Office Buildings Worldwide