停飞了数月之久,美国联合航空公司(United Airlines)和达美航空公司(Delta Air Lines )已获得批准,可以恢复飞往中国的航班,由上海机场接收。
两家美国航空公司被批准每周各运营两次航班。中美之间的航班总数将每周翻一番,达到八班。 根据上海市政府发出的确认函,美联航将从7月6日开始每周从旧金山飞往上海的两次航班,达美航空将每周从西雅图飞往上海的两次航班。达美航空的内部人士说,达美航空因筹备时间太短,现在正申请于6月27日进行首飞。
背景: 在新冠疫情之前,中美两国的航空公司每周运营约300次往返两国的定期航班。 1月31日,美国政府禁止在过去14天内到过中国的非美国公民入境,但未对中国航班实施限制。2月份,美国主要航企决定暂时停飞所有中国客运航班。至此,中美间的航空,只有中国单方在飞。 3月16日,由于新冠疫情全球蔓延,中国民航总局发布通知,宣布减少国际客运航班的数量。同时,提出了“五个一”的政策,一个航空公司只能通航一个国家的一个航点,一周只能飞一班。至此,中国单方的航班也大大减少。 3月-5月,美联航、达美航空计划在6月份恢复执飞中国若干个城市的航班,开始出售机票,并向中国民航局提出复飞的申请。 5月22日,中国民航局考虑到美国疫情严峻等其他原因,否定了美国的通航请求。同日,美国交通部宣布拥有直飞许可的中国航空公司需要向美国提交自己的航班排班表,只有在美国批复之后才能飞行。 6月3日,美国交通部为了向中国施加压力,宣布在6月16日暂停中国所有飞往美国的航班。同日,中国民航局发布了关于调整国际客运航班的通知,通知指出,自6月8日起,所有未列入“第5期”航班计划的外国航空公司,可遵从“五个一”政策恢复一条航班,也就是说美国的美联航、达美航空、美国航空都可以申请恢复一条往返于中美的航线。此外,中国还将对航班实施“奖励”和“熔断”,简而言之就是证据航班中旅客的核酸检测情况进行奖惩,最高惩罚为停运 4周。 6月15日,中美航路经过多轮协商后,双方决定由中国航司每周飞四班,变为中美航司各飞四班,但中国将继续施行“熔断”措施。 Exclusive: United, Delta Cleared to Resume Flights to China Twice a Week United Airlines Inc. and Delta Air Lines Inc. received approval from the Shanghai government to resume flights to China after months of suspension amid the Covid-19 pandemic. The two American airlines were cleared to operate two flights a week, Caixin confirmed with multiple sources. United Airlines will resume two flights a week from San Francisco to Shanghai starting July 6, and Delta will operate two flights a week from Seattle to Shanghai, according to confirmation letters issued by the Shanghai government. Delta originally planned to start the flights Thursday, but the preparation time is too short and now it’s applying for the first flight to take place June 27, an insider from the airline said. Sources close to the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) told Caixin that the total of flights between China and America will double to eight a week. The background: Before the pandemic, Chinese and U.S. airlines operated about 300 weekly round-trip scheduled passenger flights between the two countries. Since late March, that’s been slashed to fewer than a dozen. U.S. carriers, which halted passenger flights to China and flew only cargo services since February, are longing to boost their revenue by resuming the more profitable passenger flights. As part of measures to prevent imported infections, Chinese civil aviation regulators in May introduced the so-called Phase Five policy, limiting airlines to one international flight a week between China and any other country.
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