
The Retreat|音之颂钵 冬之疗愈

发表于 2023-10-8 18:22:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


A journey of INNER PEACE


Enter into the world of spiritual awakening and enlightenment. Let the singing bowls guide your body, mind, and spirit. With various thicknesses and sizes, every individual singing bowl produces a different sound wave with each strike. The sole purpose of this divine craft is to be in harmony and to connect oneself. 


The healing power of SOUND


Singing bowls are a type of bell that vibrate to produce sound. This powerful healing tool is said to have a penetrative effect on one’s energy field. The sound can travel and reach inside the body and the bones, as well as balancing the body’s energy system. Ideally, the five elements should be balanced and harmonised so as to manifest the health of the body, mind, spirit and emotions.

The Retreat聘请来自乌克兰的颂钵大师Victoria,她的音乐理疗之旅开始于2016年,并于2017年师从尼泊尔颂钵音疗大师Shree Krishna Shahi并取得颂钵疗愈师证书。

Originally from Ukraine, Victoria started her sound therapy and sound healing practice journey in 2016. In 2017 She took a Singing bowl course from the world-renowned Grand Master Shree Krishna Shahi and completed the certification.


渐入仲冬,慢慢放空自己,来The Retreat沐浴一场声音疗愈之旅。通过声音唤醒潜在意识力量,以达到身体、心灵与精神的和谐共鸣。

This winter, slow down to appreciate the tranquillity and healing contributions of the surroundings and explore the incredible healing power of singing bowls at The Retreat.

颂钵 Singing bowl (60 minutes)

RMB1,180 per person

点此即刻预订·Click to book

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上海素凯泰酒店The Retreat荣膺2023年SpaChina杂志主办之中国养生和水疗颁奖礼“年度特色养生理念”大奖。

Congratulations to The Retreat at The Sukhothai Shanghai for having been chosen as the “Best Wellness Concept of the Year”, SpaChina Wellness & Spa Awards 2023.

中国养身和Spa行业杂志,是中国养生和Spa行业年度峰会、行业颁奖礼的创办者。峰会至今已经举办了15届,聚集了众多行业资源,颇具盛誉。SpaChina 所发布新近行业动态和趋势、消费者消费趋势等,一直以来引领着行业方向和走势,拥有良好的行业口碑和信任。

SpaChina is the pioneer in China, and is the founder of the SpaChina Wellness Summit and SpaChina Wellness & Spa Awards. 2022 marks the 15th Summit. The annual summit enjoys a high reputation worldwide and combines cutting-edge industry resources. The latest industry dynamics and consumption trends revealed by SpaChina continue to guide the development direction of the industry. SpaChina has won abundant public praise and trust from the industry.

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