公告 | 佘山高尔夫11月前三周周末上下午同时开球,近期新疆返沪需提供核酸检测方可入园,11月开球时间安排及打球须知
Dear Members and Guests, please be informed of the following:
一、11月开球时间表 Tee Time Schedule in November 为了让更多的会员可以在周末预定及打球,故此10月31日、11月1日、7日、8日、14日和15日执行上下午同时开球形式
| 上午同时开球 Moring Shotgun
| 07:15
| 中午同时开球 Noon Shotgun
| 12:00
| 第一个开球时间 First Tee Time | 最后一个开球时间 Last Tee Time | 9洞 9-hole play | 18洞 18-hole play | 工作日 Weekdays | 06:44-08:12 11:00-12:20 | 15:30 | 12:20 | 双休日 Wekends | 06:44–08:12 11:00–12:20 | 15:30 | 12:20 |
三、请勿投喂球场内动物 佘山高尔夫环境优美,也吸引了众多野生动物在园内休憩。对此,我们还曾做过微信介绍《佘山高尔夫:动物的乐园 | Sheshan Zoo 101》。如此美好的环境状态需要你我的共同呵护,请各位会员或嘉宾不要投喂各类动物。给它们一个自然的生长环境。
五、司机休息室 俱乐部有指定司机休息室可供司机休息之用,空调、无线网络、吸烟处等皆有配备,各位司机可咨询保安部或接包处“司机休息室”的具体位置。
六、提前订场 由于现在来场打球人数较多,还请各位会员能提前致电预订部(8621-57798008)或会员事务部(8621-57798063)预约您的开球时间。没有预约而临时前来的会员,俱乐部将视当天球场订场情况而定会员及其嘉宾能否下场打球。一位或两位预订的会员将视订场情况拼组,还请谅解。
七、逐步开放平日线上预订平台 自6月起,俱乐部已恢复部分微信线上预订功能,会员可关注佘山高尔夫公众微信账户(sheshangolf)之后绑定账户进行在线预订(可参考往期推文《高效、快速、便捷 -- 佘山微信预订系统正式上线》了解预订功能)。目前开放线上预订范围如下: 工作日平日(可提前七天预订) 上午06:36– 08:20之间(单边)
八、关于会员申领车载贴纸的相关事宜 自8月起,门岗已恢复自动抬杆功能。但由于目前仍处于疫情状态之下,门岗处仍有测温,还请前来的会员和嘉宾配合。为了更好地服务会员,原提供的车载贴纸仍继续有效可以使用。如会员有需要更新车牌信息或更换车贴,可随时联系会员事务部李蒙Melody小姐(8621-57798063)进行办理。
为做好疫情防控工作,保障各位会员和嘉宾的身体健康和安全,管家部会每天按照国家规定的消毒方法进行会所及公共区域的消毒工作。根据市防控领导小组最新通知,为继续对来自或途经国内疫情中高风险地区的来沪返沪人员加强管理,请前来打球会员和嘉宾务必遵守俱乐部的各项防控措施,请注意以下事项: In response to the epidemic situation and in order to ensure the health and safety of all members and guests, the housekeeping department will disinfect the club and public areas daily.This would be done in accordance with national disinfection standards. At the same time, please adhere to the following: 1、来场时请您配合工作人员在林荫新路入口检测体温,体温超过(含)37.3摄氏度请勿进入佘山高尔夫范围。 Upon arrival at the entrance, do cooperate with our staff who will take your temperature. If your temperature is 37.3°C or above, please do not enter Sheshan Golf's premises.
2、为了避免增加交叉感染的风险,进入球场(练习场)及会所范围,必须佩戴口罩。如不佩戴口罩者,请勿进入佘山高尔夫范围。 Masks must be worn when entering the course (driving range) and club. If you are not wearing a mask, please do not enter Sheshan Golf's premises in order to prevent cross infection. 3、预订时请提供全组打球人员的正确名字和手机号码,打球时出示身份证或护照(外籍人士,含港澳台)等有效证件以便核对身份。 When making bookings, please provide the full accurate names and cellphone numbers of all golfers. Please have your ID or passport with you while golfing to facilitate checks.
4、暂不向海外(含港澳台)返沪后未满14天隔离期的会员和嘉宾提供订场和打球服务,还请谅解。如您或您的嘉宾近期有出入疫情重点区域,或本身有感冒、发烧、咳嗽等症状,务必先自行观察14天后,再前来俱乐部打球。请在门岗重新扫码并主动出示手机号地点查询生成结果,以便保安核对。 Members and guests who have less than 14 days of quarantine after returning to Shanghai from other foreign coutries (including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) will not be able to book and play in the Club. If you or your guests have recently been in Hubei, affected areas, or have symptoms such as flu, fever, and cough, please monitor your health for 14 days before coming to play at the club. Please scan the QR code and show the location generated result of your mobile phone number at the guard post, so that the security can check it.
A reminder from the Municipal Bureau of Justice: in this exceptional times, you should bear legal responsibility for any act such as not actively reporting and registering, concealing the whereabouts of the disease, not accepting detection and isolation, not wearing masks to enter public places, etc. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding and support. Let's all stay safe together!
佘山高尔夫管理层 The Management of Sheshan Golf Club
Please follow our official WeChat account “@sheshangolf” for more updates. |