
感恩有你,一路相伴 | 静安嘉里公寓的出租率达100%!

发表于 2020-9-10 20:33:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


感恩有您 一路相伴



August 2020, occupancy of Jing An Kerry Residences reached 100%. This achievement belongs to every employee who works hard. Behind the honor is the interpretation of hard work and practice of Jing An team.

销售部:厚积薄发 强力赋能

Sales: My dedication, made breakthrough

疫情对租赁市场造成巨大冲击, 空置率直线上升。销售团队顶住压力, 及时调整战略,打造“线上营销、线下推广”的全方位、立体化营销方案。拜访企业客户、维系忠诚客户, 积极拓展新的合作资源,开发新的渠道, 充分利用微信、APP、VR看房等平台,打造投放精准的客群, 出租率逐渐攀升。

The epidemic has had a huge impact on the leasing market, with vacancy rates soaring. The sales team withstood the pressure and adjusted the strategy timely to create a comprehensive and three-dimensional marketing plan of "online marketing and offline promotion". Visit corporate customers, maintain loyal customers, actively expand new cooperation resources, develop new channels, make full use of WeChat, APP, VR viewing platforms, accurate delivery to the customer base, the occupancy rate gradually climbed.

安保部: 我的坚守, 让您安心

Sales: My dedication, made breakthrough


The security department stuck to their post silently. In the battle without smoke, they took up a responsibility for the guests with their heart, feelings and practical actions, passing love and warmth. Measuring the temperature of each guest, recording in the book, issuing documents, standing in the cold wind for all day, they held up the first line of defense day on day.


Housekeeping: My concentration, your comfort


The housekeeping department disinfect and clean every corner , no level of service, friendliness or glamour can equal the sensation a guest has upon entering a spotless, tidy and conveniently arranged room. “ My job is to provide customers clean and tidy as home. I am familiar with every corner and concentrate on each detail, treat the guest room as if it were my own, so that the guests can be satisfied”, shared by one of the housekeeper.


Concierge: My care, Kerry Love


Hospitality of front desk staff won the trust. They always go extra miles, willing to help anytime. For guest who was stuck outside shanghai due to epidemic, the staff took initiative to help tidy up the room, classify and store the backlog of newspapers, clean up the expired food. The guests returned surprisingly “It feel so good to be back home!"; When guest facing difficulty short of medicine, front desk seeking all chances to get medicine delivered to guests, medicine delivery was suspended, they kept contacting courier companies to deliver the medicines as soon as courier service resumed. “Thank you so much. It’s been a month, you still remember and made it happen for me”, said the guest.

管理层向员工表达了诚挚的感谢: 为团队成就这一时刻感到自豪,感谢一路相随的每一位员工,感谢大家为公司默默坚守、不懈努力,为嘉里使命不断前进、不断付出, 并与部门代表一同切下了这具有历史意义的蛋糕, 喜悦与蛋糕的甜蜜融为一体, 共同庆祝这一美好时刻。大家举起手中香槟, 许下美好愿望。

The management expressed sincere thanks to the employees and cut the historic cake together with the representatives of each department. Each team member’s persistent and unremitting efforts for Kerry mission & vision, their continuous progress made this happen. The joy and sweetness of the cake were integrated together to celebrate this beautiful moment. A joyful gathering for a better future.

静安嘉里公寓感谢所有合作伙伴的信任和支持,感恩这一路有您相伴。展望未来,面对新的挑战,静安嘉里公寓每一位团队成员将不忘初心,砥砺前行, 践行嘉里企业使命:时刻传递更优, 创造更佳人际和谐与客户体验,为住客提供一个舒适安逸的“家”。

Thanks all partners for their trust and support to Jing An Kerry Residences. We are grateful for your company on this journey. Facing new challenge, every team member of Jing An Kerry Residences will never forget their original intention, forge ahead and fulfill mission of Kerry: Deliver uplifting moments to transform human relationship & experiences, build a place people call “home”.

Jing An Kerry Residences 




Sophisticated elegance awaits you at Jing An Kerry Residence, located just off Nanjing Road West, in Shanghai's cosmopolitan Central Business District. As part of Jing An Kerry Centre, with premium Grade A offices, an international shopping mall and the Jing An Shangri-La Hotel, residents enjoy all-weather access to a wide range of work and leisure needs. Connected to Shanghai's extensive Metro network, and with two international airports - Hongqiao and Pudong – within an easy commute, the area’s major transportation linkages bring Greater China, and the world beyond, to your doorstep.

1515 Nanjing Road West, Shanghai, China 200040



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