
Erez Hyatt|315㎡极简私宅,低奢优雅!

发表于 2021-11-3 16:45:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


315㎡豪宅 | EREZ HYATT

本住宅空间位于以色列,是设计师Erez Hyatt的作品,他的设计理念独特,打造出的这套空间很奢华。

This is a residence located in Israel and is said to be a new work by designer Erez Hyatt. He has a unique design concept. With his design talent, he designed this low-key luxury residence with gray as the main color.


The floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room make the space have good lighting. The overall color is gray. The TV cabinet with the original wood color is very eye-catching, and all the elements in the space are used just right.


The dining table is made of white marble, which gives people a very clean feeling. The metal elevator looks very decorative, making the indoor space more luxurious.


The second floor gives people a sense of paradise, and the outdoor garden is set up just right, giving people a cozy and comfortable feeling, and brings a comfortable afternoon tea time for the host.


The bedroom space adopts a curved appearance, which makes people feel like they are on the top floor. The blue-gray sheets look very high-end, the cabinets are independently designed, and they pay attention to function and beauty.


This space is also specially made with exterior scenes, through the use of stairs, green plants and various ornaments to make the space look closer to nature.

About. Erez Hyatt

设计师Erez Hyatt更加注重装饰中的艺术,通过多种设计元素来对空间进行装饰和表达,注重空间的美观和功能,比较擅长的领域就是公寓、豪宅、办公商业空间等的设计,为客户呈现出优质的空间,设计作品别具一格。

Designer Erez Hyatt pays more attention to the art of decoration, and uses a variety of design elements to decorate and express the space, focusing on the beauty and function of the space. His area of expertise is the design of apartments, mansions, office and commercial spaces, etc., to present to customers To create a high-quality space, the design works are unique.


 Duplex Penthouse 

 Mishkenot Ha'uma 

内容策划 / Presented

策划 Producer :DesignJapan

撰文 Writer :Rita     排版 Editor:Fin

图片版权 Copyright :EREZ HYATT



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