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图 | 撒加邮轮

Saga Cruises is a British company, luxury cruise brand and division of Saga Group (CEO Euan Sutherland). With the purchase of Saga Rose (former NCL ship MS Sagafjord), in 1997 the company started passenger shipping operations under the brand name "Saga Cruises". Saga Rose was the flagship until 2004 when Saga Ruby was bought from Cunard Line (previously named MS Caronia).


视频 | 撒加“探索精神”号邮轮旅行视频

For summer 2003, Saga Holidays chartered Minerva (1989-built) which sailed as Saga Pearl. Saga Rose was retired in 2009 after a final 37-night Mediterranean voyage. Subsequently, the ship was laid up in Gibraltar and in 2010 scrapped in China.

2003年夏季,撒加假日租用1989 年建造的“Minerva”号作为“撒加明珠”号航行。“撒加玫瑰”号则在 2009年最后一次地中海航行后退役。随后,该船在直布罗陀搁置,并于2010年在中国拆解。

图 | “撒加玫瑰”号邮轮

In 2005, Saga Cruises introduced the "Spirit of Adventure Cruises" brand. In March 2006, MV Spirit of Adventure (former Orange Melody) entered into service. In 2013, Saga sold the brand.


图 | 撒加“探索精神”号邮轮

Until 2020, Saga Holidays operated two ships under charter - Saga Sapphire and Saga Pearl 2. In 2004, Cunard sold it to Saga. It was operated as "Saga Ruby" until 2014 when was sold to a Chinese company, renamed Oasia, operated as a hotel ship until 2017, then scrapped at Alang India.

直到2020年,撒加假日都根据租约运营了“撒加蓝宝石”号和“撒加明珠2号”两艘船。2004 年,冠达邮轮公司将“Vistafjord”号卖给了撒加,并在2014年之前一直作为“撒加红宝石”号运营,然后被卖给一家中国公司,更名为“绿洲”号并作为酒店船运营,最后于2017年在印度报废。

图 | 撒加邮轮

Earlier in 2009, Saga UK acquired Astoria (Saga Pearl 2). Followed a GBP 14 million drydock refurbishment of the 1981-built vessel. The upgrades included new Veranda Restaurant; new balcony cabins; new Library Lounge; redesigned Spa, renovations to both swimming pools. The ship has 126 twin-bed cabins, 25 twin or king-bed cabins, 42 double-bed cabins. Of all staterooms, 20 are with balconies and 9 with French balconies. Among Saga's signature trademarks are the shipboard Afternoon Tea service and ballroom dancing.


图 | 撒加邮轮客舱

图 | 撒加“探索精神”号航行

In 2017, Saga UK ordered two new cruise ships with capacity under 1000 passengers, each vessel with a total of 540 cabins and suites. The shipbuilder is Meyer Werft (Papenburg Germany). Unlike all previous Saga ships, these two are fully-owned by the company.

2017年,英国撒加邮轮公司订购了两艘载客量低于1000人的新邮轮,每艘邮轮共有540 间客舱和套房。造船厂是位于德国帕彭堡的迈耶·沃夫特船厂。与之前所有的撒加邮轮不同,这两艘船由公司全资拥有。

图 | 撒加新邮轮效果图

The vessels were scheduled for deliveries in 2019 July (Spirit of Discovery) and 2020 August (Spirit of Adventure). This is a new series of polar expedition ships with ice-strengthened hulls. Each vessel costs USD 350 million and has a total of 540 staterooms (cabins and suites), of 100 are single cabins (designed for solo travelers, no single supplement required), which is approx 20% of all cabins. The other staterooms are in categories Standard Balcony, Deluxe Balcony, Mid-Ship Suite and larger suites.

按计划,两只新船中的“探索精神”号于2019年7月交付,另一艘“探险精神”号于2020年8交付。这两艘船是新系列的极地探险船,船体经过冰加固,每艘船造价3.5亿美元,共有540 间包括客房和套房在内的客舱,其中100间为专为独行旅客设计的单人客舱,约占所有客舱的20%,其他客舱分为标准阳台房、豪华阳台房、中型套房和大型套房。

图 | 撒加新船餐厅

Among the signature venues onboard are the Britannia Lounge (2-level Atrium bar lounge), The Verandah (specialty restaurant) and an outdoor (alfresco dining) restaurant. Each vessel has two swimming pools (indoor and outdoor).


图 | 撒加邮轮室外泳池

In mid-September 2018 was announced that starting January 2020, Saga's new ships deals will be all-inclusive. Fares include unlimited (shipboard served) house spirits, beers, wines (by the glass) and soft drinks. Company's packages also include:

  • UK travel package (to/from departure port), Shuttle bus transfer (to the nearest downtown from the port)

  • Onboard gratuities, Porterage

  • Onboard Welcome cocktail party

  • All onboard meals, afternoon tea, live entertainment

  • Unlimited tea and coffee

  • Free Wi-Fi

  • 24-hour room service

  • premium service


  • 往/返出发港的英国旅游套餐,从港口到最近的市中心的接送巴士

  • 船上小费,搬运费

  • 机上欢迎鸡尾酒会

  • 所有机上餐点、下午茶、现场娱乐表演

  • 无限量的茶水和咖啡

  • 免费WiFi

  • 24小时客房服务

  • 优质服务

图 | 撒加邮轮吧台

图 | 撒加邮轮

For the end of 2017, Saga Cruises offered 3 fly-cruises. The 8-, 11- and 12-night itineraries were available for booking with all-inclusive prices starting from around GBP 114 per person. Saga's "flight and cruise" deals are inclusive of airport and seaport transfers, all onboard meals, alcohol (wine by the glass / at lunch and dinner, house-brand spirits, cocktails, draught beers, lager), also soft drinks, afternoon tea, free Wi-Fi and, all onboard gratuities.

2017年底,撒加邮轮公司提供了3条飞行游轮服务,可供预订8晚、11晚或12晚的行程,全包价格每人约114英镑起。撒加公司的“航班和邮轮”优惠包括机场和海港接送服务、所有船上餐点、酒精(包括午餐和晚餐的杯装葡萄酒、自有品牌烈酒、鸡尾酒、生啤酒、啤酒等)、软饮料、下午茶 、免费Wi-Fi 和所有船上小费。

图 | 船上餐厅菜单






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