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P&O Cruises is a British cruise line based at Carnival House in Southampton, England, operated by Carnival UK and owned by Carnival Corporation & plc. It was originally a subsidiary of the shipping company P&O and was founded during a restructuring of P&O's operations in 1977. Along with P&O Cruises Australia, a sister company also founded by P&O, it has the oldest heritage of any cruise line in the world, dating to P&O's first passenger operations in 1837.
P&O Cruises was divested from P&O in 2000, becoming a subsidiary of P&O Princess Cruises, before coming under its current ownership in 2003, following a merger between P&O Princess Cruises and Carnival Corporation. In 2018, the company had a 2.4% market share of all cruise lines worldwide.
P&O Cruises于2000年从P&O剥离,成为P&O Princess Cruises的子公司,2003年P&O Princess Cruises和Carnival Corporation合并,归P&O Princess Cruises所有。在2018年,该公司在全球所有邮轮公司中占有2.4%的市场份额。
P&O Cruises宣传片


Origins 起初
In 1834, Brodie McGhie Willcox, a ship broker from London, and Arthur Anderson, a sailor from the Shetland Islands, formed an association with Captain Richard Bourne, a steamship owner from Dublin. In 1837, the trio won a contract and began transporting mail and passengers from England to the Iberian Peninsula, founding the Peninsular Steam Navigation Company. In 1840, the company merged with the Transatlantic Steam Ship Company and expanded their operations to the Orient, becoming the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company (P&O). In 1844, P&O expanded its passenger operations from transportation to leisure cruising, operating sailings from England to the Mediterranean that were the first of their kind. In the 1970s, P&O dedicated its passenger operations entirely to leisure cruising and, in 1977, relisted its passenger ships under the new subsidiary P&O Cruises.
1834年,伦敦的船舶经纪人布罗迪·麦吉·威尔科克斯(Brodie McGhie Willcox)和设得兰群岛(Shetland Islands)的水手阿瑟·安德森(Arthur Anderson)以及都柏林的汽船船主理查德·伯恩船长(Captain Richard Bourne)建立了合作联系。1837年,这三人获得了一份合同,开始将邮件和乘客从英国运送到伊比利亚半岛,成立了半岛蒸汽航运公司。1840年,该公司与跨大西洋轮船公司合并,并将业务扩展到东方,成立了东方半岛轮船公司(P&O)。1844年,P&O将其客运业务从运输扩展到休闲巡航,首次经营从英格兰到地中海的航线。20世纪70年代,P&O致力于其客运业务完全休闲巡航,并在1977年,重新上市其客运船舶在新的子公司P&O邮轮。
20th century  20世纪
Initially, P&O Cruises operated Oriana and Canberra from Southampton, serving the UK market, and Arcadia from Sydney, serving the Australian market, while Uganda operated educational cruises. In 1979, Arcadia departed the Australian fleet and was replaced by Sea Princess. In 1981, Oriana relocated to serve the Australian market, while Sea Princess relocated to serve the UK market in 1982. The same year, Canberra was requisitioned as a troopship during the Falklands War, while Uganda was requisitioned as a hospital ship. Uganda departed the fleet shortly thereafter, in 1983. Oriana departed the Australian fleet in March 1986, and Sea Princess departed the UK fleet in November 1986. Rather than relocating another ship to Australia, P&O diverged its Australian operations in 1988, acquiring Sitmar Cruises, which already operated a ship in Australia. This led to the formation of P&O Cruises Australia, which would oversee Australian operations, while P&O Cruises continued to oversee UK operations.
最初,P&O邮轮公司经营的是南安普顿的奥里安娜号和堪培拉号,服务于英国市场;从悉尼经营的阿卡迪亚号服务于澳大利亚市场;而乌干达号经营的是教育邮轮业务。1979年,阿卡迪亚号离开了澳大利亚船队,被“海公主”号取代。1981年,Oriana公司迁往澳大利亚市场,而Sea Princess公司则于1982年迁往英国市场。同年,堪培拉号在马岛战争期间被征用为运兵船,而乌干达号则被征用为医疗船。此后不久,乌干达号在1983年离开了船队。奥里安娜号于1986年3月离开澳大利亚舰队,海公主号于1986年11月离开英国船队。P&O没有将另一艘邮轮迁往澳大利亚,而是在1988年分散了其澳大利亚业务,收购了已经在澳大利亚运营一艘邮轮的Sitmar Cruises。这促成了澳大利亚P&O邮轮公司的成立,它将负责澳大利亚业务,而P&O邮轮公司继续负责英国业务。

Canberra of 1961 in Ponta Delgada, Azores in 1984

In the 1990s, P&O Cruises commissioned its first newbuild cruise ship, the second Oriana, which entered service in April 1995. At 69,153 gross tons, the new Oriana was one of the largest cruise ships in the world. Sea Princess also returned to the fleet in 1995, under the new name Victoria. Canberra departed the fleet in 1997 and was replaced the same year by a second Arcadia, which had previously been Star Princess for Princess Cruises. In 2000, Aurora, a newbuild of similar design to Oriana, entered service for P&O Cruises. The same year, P&O divested all its cruise operations and formed the independent company P&O Princess Cruises, which now owned P&O Cruises.

21st century  21世纪
In 2002, Victoria departed the fleet and Oceana joined, having previously been Ocean Princess for Princess Cruises. In 2003, the ownership of P&O Cruises changed once again when P&O Princess Cruises merged with Carnival Corporation to form Carnival Corporation & plc. Thereafter, Arcadia transferred to the new Ocean Village brand. Adonia, previously Sea Princess and a sister to Oceana, replaced Arcadia but returned to Princess Cruises in 2005. Adonia was replaced the same year by a newbuild Arcadia, which was allocated to P&O Cruises after having originally been intended for Holland America Line and thereafter Cunard Line. Arcadia was joined by Artemis, previously Royal Princess for Princess Cruises. The fleet expanded and modernised with the addition of the 116,017-ton newbuild Ventura in 2008, and her sister Azura in 2010. Artemis departed the fleet in 2011[30] and was replaced by a second Adonia, which like Artemis had previously been Royal Princess for Princess Cruises.

In 2012, P&O Cruises celebrated the 175th anniversary of the Peninsular Steam Navigation Company by staging a 'Grand Event', in which the entire fleet was assembled in Southampton. In 2014, the company introduced a new livery, based on the Union Jack, to emphasise its British heritage, and in 2015, the 143,730-ton newbuild Britannia joined the fleet. Adonia transferred to Carnival Corporation & plc's new Fathom brand in 2016, returned in 2017, and then departed the fleet permanently in 2018.
2012年,P&O邮轮公司举办了一场盛大的庆典,庆祝半岛蒸汽航运公司成立175周年,整个船队在南安普顿集合。2014年,公司推出了以英国国旗为基础的新制服,以强调其英国传统。2015年,143730总吨的新建造的大不列颠号加入了船队。Adonia于2016年转至Carnival Corporation & plc的新品牌Fathom旗下,于2017年回归,然后于2018年永久离开船队。














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