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Star Cruises (website) is owned by Genting Hong Kong (GHK) and is ranked world's 3rd biggest cruise company, following Carnival Corporation and Royal Caribbean Cruises LTD. The company dominates the Asia-Pacific market and is listed on the Singapore Exchange and Hong Kong Stock Exchange. In 2015, GHK introduced the corporation's newest cruise line brand - Dream Cruises. The new company started with 2 newbuilds - both top-luxury mega-liners, built specifically for the Asian / Chinese market.
丽星邮轮为云顶香港(GHK)所有,云顶香港是继嘉年华公司和皇家加勒比邮轮公司之后排名世界第三的邮轮公司。该公司主导着亚太市场,并在新加坡证券交易所和香港证券交易所上市。2015年,GHK引入了公司最新的邮轮品牌——Dream Cruises, 新公司以2条专为亚洲/中国市场建造的顶级豪华邮轮为开始。



Star Cruises was founded as an associate of the Genting Group of Malaysia, incorporated in Bermuda on 10 November 1993 with its corporate headquarters in Hong Kong. The company's first ships were two cruiseferries acquired from the bankrupted estate of Swedish Rederi AB Slite. In the following years, the company purchased several other used ships. In 1998, Star Cruises took delivery of its first new build, SuperStar Leo, followed by sister ship SuperStar Virgo in 1999. Star Cruises also acquired Sun Cruises the same year.
丽星邮轮是由马来西亚云顶集团于1993年11月10日在百慕大注册成立的总部设于香港的联营公司。该公司最初的两艘邮轮是从已破产的瑞典Rederi AB Slite公司收购的。在接下来的几年里,该公司又购买了几艘邮轮。1998年,丽星邮轮迎来了它的第一艘新船,即SuperStar Leo,随后是1999年的姐妹船SuperStar Virgo。同年,星空邮轮公司也收购了Sun Cruises公司。

In 2000, Star Cruises acquired Norwegian Cruise Line, including its subsidiaries Orient Lines and Norwegian Capricorn Line, becoming the largest global cruise line in the world. Norwegian Capricorn Line operations were soon merged into those of Star Cruises. Before the purchase of NCL, Star Cruises had several other new builds either planned or already under construction, but with the merger of the two companies, most of the constructed builds joined the NCL fleet instead of Star Cruises. In 2007, Star sold 50% of NCL to the Apollo Management group. In 2013, following a corporate reorganization and an initial public offering, NCL was made a wholly owned subsidiary of Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings. On 3 December 2018, Star and Apollo sold off their remaining stakes in Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings, marking the end of a relationship that lasted more than a decade.
2000年,丽星邮轮收购了Norwegian Cruise Line,包括其子公司Orient Lines和Norwegian Capricorn Line,成为全球最大的邮轮公司。Norwegian Capricorn Line的业务很快就并入了丽星邮轮中去。在收购NCL之前,丽星邮轮还有其他几条计划中的或在建的新邮轮,但随着两家公司的合并,大多数在建邮轮加入了NCL船队,而不是丽星邮轮。2007年,丽星将NCL 50%的股份出售给阿波罗管理集团(Apollo Management group)。2013年,经过公司重组和首次公开发行,NCL成为挪威邮轮控股公司的全资子公司。2018年12月3日,丽星和阿波罗出售了他们在挪威邮轮控股公司(Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings)的剩余股份,标志着持续10多年的合作关系结束。
In 2001, Star Cruises founded a new sister company, Cruise Ferries, which began operating its sole ship, Wasa Queen. Wasa Queen ceased to function and was sold to another company in 2007.
2001年,Star Cruises成立了新的姊妹公司Cruise Ferries,该公司开始运营其唯一的一艘邮轮Wasa Queen号。Wasa Queen于2007年出售给另一家公司。
In early 2008, both NCL America and Orient Lines brands were discontinued, with the latter's sole ship, MS Marco Polo, sold to Greek interests. Also in that year, the first ship from NCL was transferred to the Star Cruises fleet as SuperStar Libra.
在2008年初,NCL America和Orient Lines品牌均已停产,后者的唯一船MS Marco Polo出售给了希腊。也同年,NCL的第一艘船SuperStar Libra移交给了丽星邮轮。
It was announced on 27 April 2012 that the Norwegian Dream will join the Star fleet, she will be named as SuperStar Gemini and will start service in 2012.
2012年4月27日,“Norwegian Dream”号加入丽星邮轮,并被被命名为“SuperStar Gemini”,于2012年开始投入使用。

SuperStar Gemini

On 7 October 2013, Star Cruises announced that Star Cruises and their parent company, Genting Hong Kong, have entered into an agreement with Meyer Werft shipyard for the construction of one new cruise ship for Star. The vessel will have capacity for 3,364 passengers at double occupancy. The ship will be delivered sometime in Fall 2016.
2013年10月7日,丽星邮轮宣布,丽星邮轮及其母公司云顶香港与Meyer Werft船厂签订协议,为丽星建造一艘新邮轮。该船可容纳3,364名乘客。该船在2016年秋季交付。
Star Cruises announced on 10 February 2014, that a second ship was ordered and will be delivered by Fall 2017. Both ships will 150,000 GT. On 9 February 2015, the first steel cutting ceremony for Genting World was held at Meyer Werft shipyard.
丽星于2014年2月10日宣布,第二艘船已订购,将于2017年秋季交付。2015年2月9日,云顶世界的首次钢切割仪式在Meyer Werft船厂举行。
The company announced in March 2018 that one of its ships, SuperStar Libra, would end her public cruise operations for the company on 27 June 2018.
公司于2018年3月宣布,SuperStar Libra将于2018年6月27日结束该公司的公开巡航业务。
On 8 March 2018, Genting Hong Kong announced that the first Global-class newbuild that was previously allocated to Star Cruises would join the Dream Cruises fleet.
On 11 September 2018, Genting Hong Kong announced that SuperStar Virgo would move to Dream Cruises in April 2019 and be renamed the Explorer Dream. In November 2018, SuperStar Gemini returned to Malaysia for a six-month deployment.
2018年9月11日,云顶香港宣布SuperStar Virgo于2019年4月转到星梦邮轮,并更名为探索者梦想号。2018年11月,SuperStar Gemini 回到马来西亚进行了为期6个月的调整。

Star Cruises shipboard experience


The big appeal to western clients of Star Cruises is that its ships not only take guests around Asia but also let you experience an Asian lifestyle.
"SuperStar" ships were the first to offer the largest number of restaurants afloat. This innovation later passed on to Norwegian's "freestyle dining". SuperStars Virgo and Leo offer Italian, Asian, Japanese and Chinese restaurants. Virgo also has the only Indian restaurant afloat. Naturally, Star Cruises ships offer the usual formal dining room, casual buffets, and poolside grills. All dining venues offer open seating for ultimate flexibility.
SuperStar的系列船是第一批提供最多数量的海上餐厅的船。这一创新后来传承到了诺唯真的“自由式餐饮”中。SuperStars Virgo和Leo提供意大利餐厅、亚洲餐厅、日本餐厅和中式餐厅。处女座还有唯一一家印度餐厅。丽星邮轮也有日常的正式餐厅、休闲自助餐和池畔烧烤。所有的餐饮场所提供灵活开放的座位。

Shipboard entertainment features spectacular shows by Chinese acrobats, card rooms (Mah Jong), private rooms for parties, karaoke rooms. Onboard service is friendly, impeccable, discreet. Star Cruises has a no-tipping policy and brags with one of Asian cruising industry's highest crew-to-passenger ratios - one staff member for every two passengers.





Star Cruises predominantly markets Asian travelers. The internationally focused SuperStar Virgo attracted passengers from Japan, Malaysia, Australia New Zealand, as well as adventurous-spirited North Americans and Europeans.
丽星邮轮主要面向亚洲游客。关注国际市场的SuperStar Virgo号吸引了来自日本、马来西亚、澳大利亚、新西兰以及富于冒险精神的北美和欧洲的乘客。
In 2018, Genting Cruise Lines signed an agreement with Okinawa Agricultural Cooperatives Association and Leospo Inc. Following the partnership, on select GHK-owned cruise liners is offered Okinawa-sourced food and local produce.














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