

发表于 2021-9-15 18:36:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

盐城万豪酒店位于江苏省盐城市中央商务区先锋岛,占据新地标182米高的国贸中心大厦的大部分裙房和塔楼顶部,俯视四方,视野极佳。这个 300 间客房 的 5 星级酒店配备了全套会议、餐厅、健身和水疗设施,满足了这个拥有超过800 万居民的不断发展的大都市的高期望。HCD汇城国际北京办公室(原VOA北京办公室)承担了本项目的整体室内设计工作.

On the top levels of the new Yancheng International Trade Center, located in the Central Business District of the City of Yancheng is the Yancheng Marriott Hotel. This 5 Star development of 300 Keys and is programmed with a full complement of Conferencing, Restaurant, Fitness and Spa facilities that address the high expectations of this growing metropolis of over eight million citizens.

▼Hotel Entrance 酒店主入口


Yancheng is located at north of of Jiangsu Province which is bordered by it’s over 260 Kilometer coastline on the Yellow Sea. The network of rivers, waterways and canals that weave through this province define the environment of the City of Yancheng in an unique undulating pattern of water and land which gives it it’s nickname of “The City of the Hundred Rivers.” However, it is also known as “Salt City”,named after the salt harvest fields surrounding the city. Salt has shaped all cultures of civilization historically. The Greek Poet Homer called it a “Divine Substance” and the Philosopher Plato described it as “especially dear to the gods”. Salt in Chinese Civilization was the driver of its technological development and Yancheng was the center of Salt production. 

These two phenomena, theinterweaving waterways and the essence and crystalline quality of salt have become the starting point of the interior design for Yancheng city Marriott connecting nature and culture to create a unique sense of place and client experience.

日本艺术家Motoi Yamamoto (山本基)是一位用盐来完成他的艺术作品,对于他来说,盐是一种生命的记忆,这种透明的晶体在光线的照射下反射出纯净的白色,溶于水中来支撑着人的生命。我们从他的艺术作品中深受启发并找到设计灵感,在盐城万豪酒店的室内空间中加以演绎。

We are inspired by the Japanese artist Motoi Yamamoto, whose work made
from salt. For him salt is a memory of life, a transparent crystal that
reflects pure white light and dissolves in water to support human life. Our
design approach for the interior followed his interpretations in the color
shape and pattern.

这些图案还通过不同公共空间、设施和客房的颜色、材料和灯光的交织进行补充。白色代表“盐”,蓝色代表“水”,柔和的灰褐色代表“土地”,交织在由木石材料构成的空间中。形式的相互作用让人想起盐的切面及其在形成过程中从水到陆地的交织在一起的土丘。位于国贸中心的盐城万豪酒店位于先锋岛,水路环抱,才恰如其分。地方感的体现不是对历史的复制,而是对历史的优雅和崇高的诠释。这是HCD International 设计方法的理念,并反映在我们在规划、建筑和室内设计方面的所有工作中。我们认为每个项目都在推进这一理念。盐城万豪酒店的室内设计证明了我们对文化、项目和客户体验的关注。

These patterns were also complemented by the interweaving of colors, materials and lighting throughoutthe different public spaces, amenities, and guest rooms. White representing “Salt”, blue representing “Water” and soft taupe’s representing “Land” interweave throughout the spaces framed by materials of wood and stone. The interplay of form recalls the faceting of salt and its interweaving mounds that arise from water to land in its making. It is only appropriate that the Yancheng Marriott Hotel located in the International Trade Center is located on Pioneer Island, surrounded by waterways. Developing a sense of place is not a replication of history but rather an elegant and sublime interpretation of it. This is the philosophy of the design approach of HCD International and is reflected in all our work in Planning, Architecture, and Interiors. We see each project as furthering this philosophy. The interior design of the Yancheng Marriott is a testament to our focus of culture, program, and client experience.


Hotel reception, lobbylounge and the all day dining “ Yancheng Kitchen” are located on the ground floor.

▼Hotel Ground Floor Plan 酒店首层平面图

▼Hotel Reception 酒店前台接待区

▼Hotel Lobby Lounge 酒店大堂

▼Hotel Lobby Lounge Bar 酒店大堂吧

全日制餐厅(盐城厨房) 自助餐台分散设置,实现从灶台到餐桌“零距离”,是对传统家庭就餐环境的回归,饰面材料自然、淡雅,氛围舒适。

The all-day dining restaurant (Yancheng Kitchen) has scattered buffet tables to achieve "zero distance" from the stove to the dining table. It is a return to the traditional family dining environment.

酒店二层主要是万豪中餐厅( Man Ho)和特色韩餐厅 (雾山)。万豪中餐厅提供开放就餐区以及7间VIP包间区域,将中式的传统元素和盐城特色融入室内设计中;雾山韩餐厅则以都市自然现代的韩式烧烤为主,室内材质返璞归真。

The second floor of the hotel are mainly Man Ho Chinese Restaurant (Man Ho) and Special Korean Restaurant (Smoki Moto). Man Ho Chinese Restaurant provides an open dining area and 7 VIP private rooms, incorporating traditional Chinese elements and Yancheng characteristics into the interior design; Smoki Moto Korean Restaurant focuses on urban natural and modern Korean barbecues, and the interior materials are back to basics.

▼Hotel Second Floor Plan 酒店二层平面图

▼Hotel Chinese Restaurant 酒店中餐厅

Hotel Korean Restaurant 酒店韩餐厅(雾山)


The third floor of the hotel is equipped with a 1000sm column-free grand ballroom with a height of 8 meters, an elegant Junior ballroom of 500 square meters and several multi-function rooms. The total space is more than 2,000 square meters, which can meet all kinds of needs of banquets and meetings. The folded ceiling of the grand banquet hall matches the crystalline chandelier, just inspired by sea salt bred out of the tumbling waves.

▼Hotel 3rd Floor Plan 酒店三层平面图


The 5th floor of the hotel is the entertainment and fitness area. It has a swimming pool with a large skylight roof, a stylish gym and a quiet SPA facility. The body and mind can be relaxed, the stress can be released, the fatigue of the journey can be eliminated, and the energy for work and life can be recharged here.

▼Hotel 5th Floor Plan 酒店五层平面图

▼Hotel Spa Lobby 酒店水疗门厅


The hotel has 308 modern and stylish guest rooms and suites, located on the 33rd to 47th floors of the tower,with a magnificent view of the city skyline. The guest elevator lobby and corridors of the guest rooms, with elegant tones and soft lighting, highlight tranquility and serenity, and create a good public environment forguests. The same salt art pattern elements are used on the carpets and decorative screens, becoming a design element throughout the overall spaces of the hotel.


the bathroom design opens the line of sight, which greatly expands the sense of guestroom space. The dark corridor disappears here, replaced by a strong sense of light and view, bringing an experience beyond expectations.


Because of the shape of the building, the corner suite has a large area and excellent view. The bedroom can be surrounded by windows on three sides, and the bathroom also has a large view of the city landscape. The experience of staying is beyond imagination.


The hotel is equipped with one presidential suite, located in the top floor of the guest room. In addition tothe large living room, the reception area, dining room and bar, bedroom, and study are all equipped by imported Italian furniture. The suite is as comfortable as returning home, experiencing low-key luxury, relax, and travelat ease.


As the executive lounge, Marriott M-CLUB is located on the top floor of the hotel. The overall style continuesthe style of the presidential suite, simple, low-key, and luxurious. Provide exclusive work, leisure, dining, and entertainment spaces for executivetravelers.

设计的细部 Design Details






设计团队:曹淏铭,段伟青,王泽敏,Fred Ding,张杰,马文思,洪娉婷,徐冉,高敏,




标识顾问:GraphiaInternationalLimited (革思亚)


声学顾问:SM&W (声美华)





摄影:盧健麟 Kin Lo, 刘子瑜



HCD International (汇城国际)是一个致力于在美洲,欧洲和亚洲区域建筑设计和城市规划以及实践创新的国际设计团队。我们的设计原则是致力于丰富人类社区生活,创造积极影响社区的成果,提高所有人的生活质量。我们通过与客户和所有相关利益相关方进行充分沟通,共同寻求对复杂项目的明确而有效的答案。我们的多元化实践包含从住宅到大型规划的多种项目,并在混合使用开发方面拥有深厚的专业知识,其中包括酒店,文旅,医疗保健,住宅,科学研究,制造业和文化设施,体现在我们目前在美洲,欧洲和亚洲的项目中。HCD总部位于美国芝加哥,在华盛顿,西雅图和奥兰多,中国北京,香港,深圳和上海;南美的圣保罗和欧洲的巴塞罗那设有分公司。


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