
实施!希尔顿清洁无忧住 Hilton CleanStay

发表于 2020-8-14 15:19:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

希尔顿今日宣布,公司已在全球范围内实施 Hilton CleanStay“希尔顿清洁无忧住”这一升级版的清洁和消毒新标准,并开始逐步引入Hilton EventReady with CleanStay“希尔顿清洁无忧·安心会”项目。Hilton CleanStay“希尔顿清洁无忧住”由希尔顿集团与滴露(Dettol)的制造商利洁时 (RB) 及美国梅奥诊所 (Mayo Clinic) 合作创建,包括一系列新的卫生程序,让全球宾客能够享有更洁净、更安全的住宿体验。

Hilton Group has recently implemented a "Hilton CleanStay" project, which is a new standard for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces and equipments as well as actively promoting socialdistancing. Hilton has also begun to gradually introduce to "Hilton EventReady with CleanStay" project. "Hilton CleanStay " project includes a series of new sanitation procedures, allowing guests around the world to enjoy a cleaner and safer accommodation experience.

Hilton CleanStay“希尔顿清洁无忧住”,从登记入住到退房离店助您全程无忧

"Hilton CleanStay" project protecting you from check-in to check-out and helps you enjoy your whole experience in a stress free environment.



出行前,宾客可在 Hilton.com/cleanstay 上阅读全新登陆页面,详细了解入住期间可得到的服务。此外,宾客还可在酒店页面中看到已实施的全新清洁规范和流程。

Before your travel, you can log into Hilton.com/cleanstay to learn more about the available services during your stay. In addition, you can also see the implemented new cleaning specifications and procedures on the hotel page.




Conrad Dalian has implemented safe social distancing standards to ensure every guests complete check-in and check-out procedures at ease.



宾客来到客房第一眼看到的将是Hilton CleanStay“希尔顿清洁无忧住”客房封鉴,贴置在彻底保洁后的客房门上。酒店将在宾客接触最频繁的客房区域,如电灯开关、门把手、电视遥控器和空调等处加强消毒措施。

When you arrive at the guest room, the first sight you see will be the "Hilton CleanStay" room seal, which is pasted on the door after thorough cleaning and disinfecting. As part of Hilton CleanStay standards, Conrad Dalian has further strengthened disinfection measures ten most frequently used guest room areas, such as light switch, door handle, TV remote control and air conditioning etc.


Public Area


We have increased the frequency of cleaning in public areas. For example elevator switches, door handles, public toilets etc are disinfected and sanitized at least twice a day. The fitness center several times a day. Adjust the location of equipment so that guests can maintain a safe social distance and may limit the number of guests in the fitness center. Clean the swimming pool area frequently throughout the whloe day, and implement the safe social distance measures. We also provide free masks, antiseptic hand sanitizers and sterile paper towels at Conrad Dalian key high passenger flow areas.

从宾客步入酒店的那一刻起,Hilton CleanStay“希尔顿清洁无忧住”和Hilton EventReady with CleanStay“希尔顿清洁无忧·安心会”元素将贯穿住宿体验及会议活动的方方面面,在确保宾客和团队成员安康的同时,以希尔顿始终不变的热情好客提供优质服务。

From the moment guests enter the Conrad Dalian, the elements of "Hilton CleanStay" and "Hilton EventReady with CleanStay" will run through all aspects of the accommodation experience and conference activities, ensuring the well-being of guests and team members, and providing high-quality services with Hilton’s industry leading hospitality.


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