Member Highlight | Wine and Social @PARK HYATT GUANGZHOU
Experience the pleasure of Wine & Social with exquisite delicacies and premium drinks, including savory, western and eastern dishes, Chinese noodles, mouthwatering desserts, free-flow of selected beverages (sparkling wine, red and white wine, beer, sake), live band music at night.
Wine & Social is served daily from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at Living Room. It is priced at CNY 285 per person (inclusive of all service charge and government tax).
Wechat price is CNY 208 per person Click"Read more" to reserve
Botanic-themed afternoon tea @PARK HYATT GUANGZHOU To celebrate the season of revival, rejuvenation and renewal, when gardens sprout and quickly reach their peak beauty, Living Room at Park Hyatt Guangzhou presents a botanic-themed afternoon tea set showcasing sweet delights infused with springtime flavors.
The afternoon tea set is presented on a wooden trolley with a miniature pebble path in the center, surrounded by succulents and an artistic array of savories and pastries inspired by a wide range of blossoms, bringing the refreshing and sweet fragrance of the season to diners’ plates.
From the all-you-can-eat menu, five signature angel cakes and a selection of ice cream are not to be missed, nor is the daily live station. The afternoon tea set comes with a choice of coffee, tea or herbal infusion. A selection of fruit and floral teas, only available during this promotional period, is recommended to enhance the relaxing afternoon tea experience, and includes Passion Fruit Jasmine Tea, and Salty Plum Soda. Available from 2:30 PM to 5:00 PM between March 30 and May 31, 2020, the afternoon tea set is priced at CNY 498 per two persons. To enhance your experience, add CNY 158 to get one glass of Perrier-Jouët Grand Brut Champagne, or CNY 688 for one bottle of Perrier-Jouët Grand Brut Champagne.
Please reserve in advance at +86-20-3769 1234, or enjoy special privileges via hotel official WeChat Mall (@ParkHyattGuangzhou).
The pricing is inclusive of service charge and government tax.
万物赋新。广州柏悦酒店从春日庭院中汲取灵感,精心创作独树一帜的下午茶套餐。各式咸甜小点在匠心巧妙布置下,呈现一派生意焕发的景象。赏味盎然春意簇锦,栖息静旎午后时光。精致可人的下午茶点盛置在木制小推车中,随着仙气袅袅缓缓推出,令人仿佛置身于花园之中。玲珑别致的咸甜小点令人一见倾心,依次围绕在极具禅意的鹅卵石小径两侧,仿佛引领进入一个美妙境界。剔透的多肉植物从旁点缀,更添几分勃勃生机。各式甜点美不胜收,杂莓酥皮塔、桔子瑞士卷、番茄草莓燕麦塔、番石榴玫瑰奶冻、白葡萄酒茉莉花茶煮梨、炸香蕉配冰淇淋,不仅绚丽夺目,口感更丰富精彩,两只白巧克力制作的桃粉色蝴蝶跃然其中,愈加灵气动人。咸点也是点睛之作,泰式蟹肉三明治、青豆泥腰果苹果薄荷、还有当季时令的流沙艾叶饼和羊肚菌酥等。甄选新鲜食材创作成一个个让人充满期待的中西式咸点,淡雅色调与缤纷的甜点相得益彰。不容错过下午茶自选菜单五款低糖健康、口味清新的招牌天使蛋糕,甘菊曲奇,以及一系列冰淇淋和雪芭选择,更有当天现场制作的有机蔬菜鲜虾米卷和杨枝甘露薄煎饼。享用下午茶的宾客可畅饮咖啡、茶及当季特调花茶,包含百香果茉莉花茶及咸梅苏打等,沁人心脾的花果香气让您感受缕缕清新。「簇锦」下午茶于2020年3月30日至5月31日期间,每日下午2:30至5:00在悦厅供应,每份498元,可供两人享用。敬请提前通过电话(+86-20-3769 1234)或酒店官方微信商城(@广州柏悦酒店)预订。Living Room has been designed to evoke the main reception space of an elegant Chinese mansion. Lined in a cozy combination of exposed brick and lattice-wood panels, Living Room offers casual all-day dining, afternoon tea and evening nightcaps. Here, guests can sample Chinese and Western dishes, including freshly made waffles, homemade ice creams and home-style baking and pastries.位于65层的悦厅空间设计极具家居感,裸露的青砖与精致的木板墙使宾客如同置身于一座典雅的中式庭院。在细腻和考究的氛围中享用的经典咖啡茶饮和精致中西式小食,浪漫惬意油然而生。午后静旎的时光,正是赏心悦目、馥郁典雅的下午茶时刻,在充足阳光和悦人景色的点缀下,醉人的香甜弥漫四周,慵懒的身影在这里轻酌慢饮,尽享别样的惬意与悠闲。About Park Hyatt Guangzhou Park Hyatt Guangzhou opened in December 30, 2015, it is the 6th Park Hyatt hotel in China and 37th worldwide, as well as the first urban Park Hyatt hotel in southern China. The hotel is located in the heart of Zhujiang New Town, the city’s gleaming Central Business District by the historic Pearl River –and in close proximity to the Zaha Hadid-designed Guangzhou Opera House, Guangdong Museum and the green expanse of Huacheng Square. -The hotel is a 40-minute drive from Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, a 15-minute drive from Guangzhou East Railway Station, a five-minute walk to two major Guangzhou Metro lines, and a short drive from the Guangzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center, making it an ideal base for both business and leisure travelers. Park Hyatt Guangzhou spans the uppermost floors of R&F Yingkai Square, a striking, faceted, 286-metre (938-foot) tall skyscraper by award-winning American architectural firm Goettsch Partners. Providing breathtaking 360-degree views of Guangzhou’s skyline, including the iconic Canton Tower, Park Hyatt Guangzhou has been conceived to evoke a welcoming private residence, combining the sophistication and personalized luxury of the Park Hyatt brand with the rich culture and heritage of the Lingnan region.广州柏悦酒店是凯悦酒店旗下奢华典雅的酒店,坐落于广州城市新核心及中央商务区——珠江新城中的优越地段,毗邻历史悠久的珠江河畔,与广州塔、广州大剧院,广东省博物馆及独具魅力的花城广场并美为邻。酒店所在的富力盈凯广场楼高286米,由屡获殊荣的美国知名建筑公司Goettsch Partners精心打造,酒店内部设计则由日本著名设计公司Super Potato重磅呈现,世界闻名的雕塑艺术家川俣正先生亦受邀为其担纲制作了主要雕塑装置艺术品。酒店拥有208间典雅现代的舒适客房包括36间豪华套房,4间上乘考究的餐厅及酒吧包括意大利餐厅,中餐厅,悦厅以及位于酒店70层的露天酒吧。面积1,300平方米的宴会场所悦居位于酒店66层。位于63层的柏悦水疗中心为客人带来身心的休憩与放松,尊享25米室内恒温泳池的同时,窗外珠江两岸的醉人景致尽收眼底,设施完善的健身中心24小时随时开放。广州柏悦酒店将岭南悠远绵长的历史文化与柏悦精致现代的品牌特质相融合,打造一座高雅的私人府邸,为往来羊城的各地宾客开启一段非凡之旅。Park Hyatt hotels provide discerning, global travelers with a refined home-away-from-home. Guests of Park Hyatt hotels receive quietly confident and personalized service in an enriching environment. Located in several of the world's premier destinations, each Park Hyatt hotel is custom designed to combine sophistication with understated luxury. Park Hyatt hotels feature well-appointed guestrooms, world-renowned artwork and design, rare and immersive culinary experiences, and signature restaurants featuring award-winning chefs. There are currently 43 Park Hyatt hotels in the following locations: Abu Dhabi, Bangkok, Beaver Creek, Beijing, Buenos Aires, Busan, Canberra, Changbaishan, Carlsbad, Chennai, Chicago, Doha, Dubai, Guangzhou, Hamburg, Hangzhou, Hyderabad, Istanbul, Jeddah, Kyoto, Maldives, Mallorca, Melbourne, Mendoza, Milan, Moscow, New York, Ningbo, Paris, Saigon, Sanya, Seoul, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Siem Reap, St. Kitts, Sydney, Tokyo, Toronto (under renovation), Vienna, Washington, D.C., Zanzibar, and Zurich. For more information, please visit Follow @ParkHyatt on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and tag photos with #LuxuryIsPersonal.柏悦酒店为追求品位的环球旅客精心打造风格独具且宾至如归的奢华体验。柏悦酒店的尊贵宾客可在精致的环境氛围中享受优雅周到和个性化的服务。坐落于世界闻名的旅行目的地,柏悦酒店采用独具匠心的定制设计,将精巧建造与低调奢华完美融合。每一间柏悦酒店均配备有齐全的设施、陈设讲究的客房、备受赞誉的艺术品收藏、难得一见的沉浸式餐饮体验以及由名厨主理的经典特色餐厅。目前,凯悦集团旗下共有43家柏悦酒店,分别位于阿布扎比、曼谷、比弗克里克、北京、布宜诺斯艾利斯、釜山、堪培拉、长白山、卡尔斯巴德、金奈、芝加哥、多哈、迪拜、广州、汉堡、杭州、海德拉巴、伊斯坦布尔、吉达、京都、马尔代夫、马略卡、墨尔本、门多萨、米兰、莫斯科、纽约、宁波、巴黎、西贡、三亚太阳湾、首尔、上海、深圳、暹粒、圣基茨、悉尼、东京、多伦多(装修中)、维也纳、华盛顿、桑给巴尔和苏黎世等城市。如需更多信息,请访问。Director of Marketing Communications |