
《​Day 33》 IHG(洲际酒店集团)带读训练+听说练习

发表于 2020-7-3 13:43:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Day 33带读训练| IHG(洲际酒店集团)


At 'IHG, 'we’re com'mitted to delivering 'True Hospi'tality for 'everyone.


(2)语音:At尾音t不发音;com'mitted to前者尾音d不发音;

We be'lieve↗ in making you feel 'welcome and 'valued, wher'ever you are in the 'world.


(2)语音:be'lieve↗ in连读;welcome and 'valued前两个单词连读,and尾音d不发音;wher'ever连读;you are in连读;th咬舌音(下文不再强调。)

'That’s because we 'truly 'care about 'people andthe com'munities we serve,


(2)语音:care about连读;and读成n。

and because we 'pride ourselves / on providing the 'highest↗'quality of service.


(2)语音:and读成n;pride ourselves连读;quality of连读。

'Each of our hotel brands / 'caters to 'guests in their 'own dis'tinct way.


(2)语音:Each of our连读;to读成[tə];their 'own连读。

And our 'reach 'spansthe 'globe.


(2)语音:And our连读。

So, 'whether you’re travelling for 'business, 'fun with 'friends↗ and'family, or 'pure 'luxury, 'we have aho'tel for you.


(2)语音:friends↗ and 'family前两个单词连读;and尾音d不读。

We 'look 'forward / to 'seeing you 'soon.




At 'IHG, 'we’re com'mitted to delivering 'True Hospi'tality for 'everyone. We be'lieve↗ in making you feel 'welcome and 'valued, wher'ever you are in the 'world. 'That’s because we 'truly 'care about 'people andthe com'munities we serve, and because we 'pride ourselves / on providing the 'highest↗'quality of service. 'Each of our hotel brands / 'caters to 'guests in their 'own dis'tinct way. And our 'reach 'spansthe 'globe. So, 'whether you’re travelling for 'business, 'fun with 'friends↗ and'family, or 'pure 'luxury, 'we have aho'tel for you. We 'look 'forward / to 'seeing you 'soon.


At 'IHG, 'we’re com'mitted to delivering 'True Hospi'tality for 'everyone. We be'lieve↗ in making you feel 'welcome and 'valued, wher'ever you are in the 'world. 'That’s because we 'truly 'care about 'people andthe com'munities we serve, and because we 'pride ourselves / on providing the 'highest↗'quality of service. 'Each of our hotel brands / 'caters to 'guests in their 'own dis'tinct way. And our 'reach 'spansthe 'globe. So, 'whether you’re travelling for 'business, 'fun with 'friends↗ and'family, or 'pure 'luxury, 'we have a 'hotel for you. We 'look 'forward / to 'seeing you 'soon.


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