

发表于 2020-4-1 12:01:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Further to the beautifully-constructed private islands introduced in S1, in this season we are going through MSC's new private island - Ocean Cay Marine Reserve newly launched this November, as a case study to explore the reasons why cruise companies are motivated to invest in the capital-intense private islands.


▲视频: MSC地中海邮轮官方宣传视频

The USD 200 million project was launched in Nassau, where country's Prime Minister and MSC's Executive Chairman signed a 100-year lease agreement. The deal gave MSC rights to occupy and develop the island as an exclusive cruise destination. The island is sized 95 acres / 38 hectares (0,38 km2 / 0,15 mi2) and is currently world's only private marine reserve.

这个耗资2亿美元的项目在拿苏(Nassau)启动,该国总理与地中海邮轮执行主席签署了为期100年的租赁协议,该交易给了地中海邮轮占领和开发该岛的权利,并将其作为专属邮轮目的地。该岛的面积为95英亩/ 38公顷(0.38平方公里/0.15平方英里),是目前世界上唯一的私人海洋保护区


Located off Bimini islands (westernmost district of Bahamas), the island is at short distance (approx 105 km/65mi) from Miami Florida, it has a 3470 m (11400 ft) long beachfront (across 6 beaches) and is surrounded by~166 km2 protected marine zone (sea waters). "Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve" is by far the biggest Caribbean private island development done by a cruise ship company.

该岛位于比米尼岛群岛(巴哈马最西端的地区)外,距佛罗里达佛罗里达迈阿密不远(约105公里/ 65英 里),拥有3470 m(11400 ft)长的海滨(横跨6个海滩),周围环绕着约 166 平方公里受保护的海洋区域。“海洋礁地中海海洋保护区”是目前邮轮公司完成的最大的加勒比海私人岛屿开发项目

Among the rationales behind owning and operating a private island as a port of call, not least, of course, is Firms can levy surcharges and fees for the activities on these islands, whether through enhanced dining or equipment rental; many offer Las Vegas-style VIP cabanas on the beaches that come with Sin City-style pricing, too. Even better, depositing guests in a company-owned plot ensures that monies spent by passengers are funneled right back to the company rather than out into the local economy – As some critics comment: 'While the projects promises to boost the local economy, there are fears such private resorts benefit nobody other than the operators themselves.'


On Ocean Cay, water-based activities include kayaking, paddle boarding, snorkeling (on a 1,5-hour tour to the nearby cay) and scuba diving (with PADI-certified instructors). Here are some of the pricings from the official sales book. 


Cruise Critic's Carolyn Spencer Brown notes that private islands are also an appealing chance to offer a brand extension on land, where an operator can ensure continued quality control around the experience. Cruise lines have become very savvy designing an experience their passengers will like, and so they really mirror what's going on on the ship.

Cruise Critic的卡洛琳·斯宾塞·布朗(Carolyn Spencer Brown)指出,私属岛也是在陆地上进行品牌扩展的极具吸引力的机会,运营商可以在其中确保恒定的岛上体验质量控制。邮轮在设计乘客想要的体验时变得非常精明,他们的陆地活动确实反射船上的状况

The custom-designed hideaway the Ocean Cay will feature eight distinctly themed beaches, from a family- focused stretch of sand to one earmarked for the crew, as well as ample water sports like kayaking and scuba. The reflects MSC's family-oriented value. "As a family-owned company, from day one we have understood and focused on the importance of offering families and their kids on-board our ships a vacation that has all the elements that can make it a truly unforgettable one for the entire family, in addition to being stress-free," said Gianni Onorato, Chief Executive Officer of MSC Cruises. "For this reason, kids-dedicated activities and other family related services have always been at the very core of our guest offering and are strengthened on an ongoing basis by further."

大洋礁这个定制设计的度假胜地将设有八个主题鲜明的海滩,从以家庭为中心的沙滩延伸到船员专用的一片沙滩,以及诸如皮划艇和水肺潜水等丰富的水上运动。这反映了MSC注重家庭的价值。“作为一家家族企业,从一开始,我们就了解并专注于为我们船上的家庭和孩子提供假期的重要性,以及能使其成为整个家庭提供真正难忘的假期的所有要素”,MSC Cruises首席执行官Gianni Onorato说道,“出于这个原因,儿童专属活动和其他与家庭相关的服务一直是我们宾客服务的核心,并通过进一步丰富增加新内容而不断得到加强。”


MSC took such an approach with its new Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve. After an extensive renovation the company estimates at about $200 million. It will also emphasize conservation: Ocean Cay is surrounded by 64 square miles of protected waters, so MSC has earmarked funds for a coral nursery to boost the health of the existing reef. It will also act as a chance to educate guests on marine endangerment. "This island wasexploited as an industrial site in the past," says MSC president Gianni Onorato. "we have undertaken extensive work to clean-up the island, removing tons of historic industrial waste and helping to return the beaches, and the entire 64 square miles of protected waters surrounding the island, to their pristine state.We want our customers to think about how to protect the oceans, and be a part of it."

地中海在其新的大洋礁MSC海洋保护区采取了这种方法。经过大规模的翻新工程,该公司估计耗资约2亿 美元。它还将强调环境保护:大洋礁被64平方英里的受保护水域所包围,因此MSC已拨出专款用于珊瑚苗圃,以促进现有珊瑚礁的健康。这也将是一次向游客进行海洋濒危教育的机会。MSC总裁Gianni Onorato说:该岛过去曾被用作工业基地,我们对该岛进行了大规模清理,清除了数吨堆积已久的工业废料,并帮助将海滩以及岛周围整个64平方英里的受保护水域恢复到原始状态。我们希望我们的客户考虑如何保护海洋并积极参与海洋保护项目。”

官方视频: 建造大洋礁海洋保护区的故事 - 侧重环境保护角度的宣传

This strategically developed, properly implemented CSR-like program achieved the purpose of conservation,and is also perceived to directly enhance MSC's brand's ability to create and maintain a positive image in the consumer marketplace.


There are logistical advantages in owning a private island, too—effectively, they act as a second home port,one that the cruise line manages outright. As cruise lines continue to upgrade existing ships and launch new ones, investing in upgrades to an existing island is a way to inject every itinerary with a shot of newness across the fleet. Ocean Cay, just 60 miles from Miami, is a stopover for both east- and west-bound ships going to the Caribbean. Consider, too, MSC's forerunner near Abu Dhabi. The logistics of Gulf cruises are challenging, with some lengthy stretches that aren't as developed, so Sir Bani Yas provides an enjoyable destination on a part of the coast where there is little else to appeal to most travelers.

拥有一个私属岛也带来了物流及运输上的优势——它们十分有效地充当了第二母港,而这正是邮轮公司直接管理的港口。随着邮轮公司不断升级现有船只并推出新船,投资升级到现有岛屿是一种向每个航线注入新鲜活力的方式。距迈阿密仅60英里的大洋礁是前往加勒比海的东西双向航线船舶的中转站。地中海邮轮在阿布扎比附近有先驱私属岛。阿拉伯海湾邮轮的运输具有挑战性,有些漫长的航程还没有得到开发,因此,地中海邮轮的私属岛巴尼·亚斯爵士(Sir Bani Yas)在对大多数旅行者来说并没有什么吸引力的中东沿海部分提供了一个令人愉悦的目的地。

Cruise lines owning their own islands brings about convenience. These islands are a home port where the cruise line can make their own rules. Many have added their private islands as an upgrade to itineraries and customers end up loving the island because of exclusivity. Perhaps the biggest draw, though, lies in the two simple words: private island. "They provide a sense of exclusivity to everyone," says Beth Butzlaff, who focuses on cruises at luxury travel firm Virtuoso. "Nothing says luxury more than being able to say 'I spent a day on a private island. MSC Cruises' CEO Gianni Onorato explains, "Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve will bring something new and unique to our Caribbean itineraries from Miami and is set to become a truly memorable highlight for our guests. We have created a guest experience that complements the breath-taking natural beauty of this remarkable part of the Caribbean.

拥有自己的岛屿给邮轮公司带来了便利。作为自己直接管理的母港,邮轮公司可以自行制定规则。邮轮公司把私属岛作为行程升级加入航线后,客户最终因为独特性而爱上了这些岛屿。不过,最大的吸引力也许在于两个简单的词:私人岛屿。“他们为每个人提供了独有的感觉,”豪华旅游公司Virtuoso专注于邮轮活动的Beth Butzlaff说,“豪华无非是说‘我在私人岛屿上度过了一天’”。MSC邮轮公司的首席执行官Gianni Onorato解释说,“ 大洋礁MSC海洋保护区将为我们从迈阿密出发的加勒比海航线带来全新又独特的意义,成为我们客人真正难忘的亮点。我们成功创造了与加勒比海这一非凡地区令人叹为观止的自然美景相得益彰的独特宾客体验。



1.https://www.cntraveler.com/story/why-cruise-lines-are-putting-so-much-money into-private-islands

2.https://www.travelpulse.com/news/cruise/why-cruise-lines-are-hot-for-the bahamas.html

3.https://www.travelweekly.com/Cruise-Travel/MSC-opts-for-chill-over-thrill-at Ocean-Cay

4. http://www.travelnoire.com/why-cruise-lines-own-private-islands

5.https://www.msccruisesusa.com/en-us/CruiseDestinations/Caribbean Antilles/Bahamas/Ocean-Cay-MSC-Marine-Reserve.aspx

6. https://www.mscoceancay.com/en-nz/what-to-do/excursions-activities


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyHgzE6WeAQ

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4lT_0AaoaA

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9-cq28qscw

文章来源:招商局豪华邮轮配套产业园 (已获取转载权)




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