
SPG boosts port-industry-city integrated developme

发表于 2023-2-11 20:28:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
SPG boosts port-industry-city integrated development

Shandong Port Group (SPG) recently held three ceremonies for the operation, expansion and start of 178 key construction projects with a total investment of 133.7 billion yuan in Qingdao, Rizhao and Yantai respectively.

Projects serve as "major propellers" of port transformation and are "the cornerstone" for boosting the high-quality socio-economic development of cities.

SPG has taken integrating into, developing and serving cities as its due responsibilities and obligations. Its overall port strength and service capacity were significantly improved by advancing construction projects.

Great efforts have been made to accelerate the pace of port-industry-city integrated development. Through starting a series of projects, SPG plans to further bolster the integrated development of port areas, urban areas, and industrial parks, make more contributions to cities' economic growth and forge a new example of port-industry-city integration.

In 2023, one of SPG's main goals is to firmly take the responsibility of promoting the integrated development of port areas, urban areas, and industrial parks, leverage its role as a core node for supply chains, accelerate the cultivation of the modern shipping comprehensive service system, and make all-out efforts to build a complete port ecosystem. All these efforts focus on making greater contributions to driving the socio-economic development of cities and helping Shandong build a modern socialist strong province in the new era.






Editor: Wang Lu


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