活动时间:9.2-9.4(本周五至周日) 活动地址:开发区振华商厦3F男装商场
活动内容:一卡通6倍积分 1.西服推广 购买西服消费5000,送1500元的衬衣或者1500的新品体验卡 2.消费送礼 进店消费就送礼,价值79元袜子一双 3.充值好礼 满10000送3000,加赠2000新品体验卡 (本图文图片只代表部分,欢迎前到厅内选购)
材质本身自带的高级感 不在于浮夸的价钱,而是那些被忽视的细节 真正的品味与金钱无关 是制造者对于美的独特追求 The superior feeling of the material itself lies not in the grandiose price, but in the neglected details.
The real taste has nothing to do with money and is the maker's unique pursuit of beauty. 材质本身自带的高级感 不在于浮夸的价钱,而是那些被忽视的细节 真正的品味与金钱无关 是制造者对于美的独特追求 The superior feeling of the material itself lies not in the grandiose price, but in the neglected details.
The real taste has nothing to do with money and is the maker's unique pursuit of beauty.
We can bring meaning to the things we do. We can bring meaning to the hearts we touch.
营业时间: 周一至周五9:00-20:50 周六至周日8:50-20:50
进入商厦前,请带好口罩 扫描门上的场所码进行登记 向有关人员出示您的健康码与行程卡 并测量体温 疫情期间,请您保护好自身安全 感谢您的配合,祝您购物愉快~ (振华商厦南门两门均可进入)