
【Updated】RS积分|RS Points

发表于 2022-6-18 17:51:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


1. City Points 城市积分

City Points = Everyone's Kg Points + Everyone's Km Points + Everyone's Bonus Points – Everyone's Points Deducted


2. Lone Points 个人积分

Lone Points = Individual Kg Points + Individual Km Points + Individual Bonus Points – Individual Points Deducted




1. 通过徒步距离积累积分

    By Rucking

RS 距离单位为公里。 每达成 5 公里获得 5 积分。

Points for distance walked in km. Every 5km is equivalent to 5points.

*到达目的地后我是否可以额外再走/走满 5 公里,从而获得更多积分?

Can I ruck longer after arriving at the destination to reach 5km and get more points?

*不能 No

2. 通过背负重量积累积分

    Load Carried


RS 负重单位为公斤。每额外达成 5 公斤获得 5 积分。

Points for Ruck Steady Load in kg.

Every 5kg after Minimum = 5points


*Have fun rucking for points, but we don't encourage to start carrying heavier loads then you can handle. We recommend starting light to build up your strength then slowly increase the weight up.

3. 旗手可获得 (5积分)

    Be Selected as the Flag Bearer (5 Points)


旗手需要具备 RS 精神:影响和带领身边的人加入 RS ,宣传和推广 RS ,参加大部分的RS任务部署,不能是城市队长和副队长。This
person actively encourages new friends to participate, promotes Ruck
Steady, never late, has joined most of the city Deployments. It cannot
be a Captain or Lieutenant.


*One person per month/event.*尽可能选择没当过旗手的新人*If possible choose a new person. 

4. 连续参加RS任务部署可获得 (5-30积分)

    Continuous Participation (5-30 Points)


连续参加任务部署 3 场,可获得额外 5 积分的奖励。

连续参加任务部署 6 场,可获得额外 10 积分的奖励。

连续参加任务部署 12 场,可获得额外 30 积分的奖励。


Join 3 consecutive Deployments and you will earn 5 extra points.

Join 6 consecutive Deployments and you’ll get 10 extra points.

Join 12 consecutive Deployments and you’ll get 30 extra points.

*Must walk the entire distance set by the Captain and carry at least minimum load required.

5. 老带新 (5积分)

    Bring A New Friend (5 Points)


成功邀请新朋友参加 RS 任务部署可获得积分。

Join your next Deployment with a new friend.


*Maximum 10 points per event only.


6. 穿着RS城市T (5积分)

    Wear The RS T-Shirt (5 Points)


穿上你的 RS 队T,赢取更多积分吧。

Proudly wear our T-shirt and earn points.

Old RS T-Shirt

New RS T-Shirt

7. 城市队长特别挑战 (5积分)

    Captain’s Challenge (5 Points)


每个城市队长可在任务部署中向Ruckers发起特别挑战(如:完成150个波比跳),完成挑战者将获得额外 5 积分。

city Captain can challenge (Ex. 150 Finisher Burpees) the entire group
during a Deploymentand those who complete the Challenge can get an extra
5 Points.


*Only one challenge per event.*挑战最多可获取5积分

*Only 5points can be earned by completing this challenge.

Beijing 6.12 Fireman Carry 300m (No Break)



1. 无故缺席 = 扣20积分

    No Show = Minus 20 Points

2. 点名迟到 = 扣10积分

    Late at “Roll Call” = Minus 10 Points

3. 背负超出能力(严重落队) = 扣30分

    Overload = Minus 30 Points

我的个人 RS 积分有什么用?


1. 每达成对应积分,将获得一枚对应等级腕带。

    Get your "Rucker Rank" wristbands.


RS 积分总共有 8 个等级等你解锁,每月每年的积分都将不断叠加,只要坚持参加 RS 负重城市徒步,你便有机会不断突破你的个人总积分,获得更高级别的 RS 荣誉腕带。

are 8 different Rucker Ranks available for you to achieve. What's more
every RS Point you made in 2021 will carryover to 2022 so you'll be able
to Rank-up next year.

2. 赢取新的RS 积分勋章

    Earn our new "RS Patches"

RS 的前进的路上,每只脚印都只深不浅,每个肩膀负重前行,每件衣服都曾被浸湿,你们留下每滴汗水都值得被嘉许。作为 RS

On the way forward for RS, every footprint is deep and not shallow, every shoulder carries weight, every piece of clothing has been soaked, and every drop of sweat you leave behind deserves to be commended. As the founder of RS, I've been thinking, what am I going to bring to you? What can I bring for you? My past experience has given me a lot of reflection and inspiration, I know that my requirements have never been low, but you are also good enough. I see you again and again to explore the upper limit of your ability, in order to better encourage your brave behavior and spirit, I spent more than a hundred days thinking, and finally designed the following three magic medal stickers for you, and gave them a special meaning, I hope that in the future, we can move forward in the rain or shine.

300 勇者勋章|BRAVE 300 PATCH

*勋章如实物图 This is the actual size and color of this patch.

这枚勋章灵感来源于我对斯巴达赛事的热爱和「斯巴达300勇士」的电影,还有你知道挣取 300 RS 积分需要连续参加 10 场左右徒步活动,同时需要背负最大基础重量吗?每一个能达成 300 积分的 Rucker 都是充满了勇气和决心的,是时候用我们的「300 勇者勋章」向达成了 300 积分 Ruckers 致敬了,好奇他们是谁吗?

This patch is inpired by my love for Spartan Race and the movie 300.
Did you know to earn 300 points takes more than 10 months and even then
you must carry the maximum load and walk the entire distance of each
event. So, those Ruckers who have earned these many points are Brave
Ruckers. Brave because it takes guts and determination to accomplish
such a task.

500 重步兵勋章 |RUCKBORNE 500 PATCH

*勋章比照片里的略大 The size of this patch will be a little bigger.

这枚勋章的灵感来源于第 82 空降兵团。你知道吗?他们一旦接到任务命令,就会在 36 小时内装载、移动、降落在世界任何一个地方执行作战任务、协助盟军、提供人道主义援助。我一直都很羡慕他们的勇敢和勇气,不仅要从几千英尺的高空跳下,还要顶住着地面的枪林弹雨,每一次任务都是生死未卜。我相信,积累了 500 RS 积分的 Ruckers 已经具备了这样的能力,你已经做好了最充分的准备,你的速度、能力和意志力能让你走的够远,因为,你是一名优秀的「 RS 重步兵」

patch is inspired by the 82nd Airborne Division. Did you know know if
once ordered, the 82nd Airborne Division can mobilize, load, and land
in the world in less than 36 hours to perform combat operations, assist
allies, and provide humanitarian assistance? I always admired their
bravery and courage. Jumping out of an airplane, taking enemy fire, with
or without visibility, hoping to land safely. Anything can go wrong! As
a Rucker who has collected 500 points you have the ability to do the
same. With your strength and speed you can go the long distance and be
ready for anything. You are Ruckborne!

1000 狂兵勋章 | MAD RUCKER 1000 PATCH

*勋章比照片里的大不少 The size of this patch will be a lot bigger.

这枚勋章的灵感来源于第 52 爆破军团,他们又被称为 EOD。这些士兵负责攻击、击退和利用未爆炸的弹药。EOD 都是战术和技术爆破特战员,他们被认为是军队中最危险的工作之一。我常常会想:面对死亡他们是如何保持沉着冷静的。从他们身上我学会了勇敢,这也正是我曾经想成为他们一员的原因。正如这些 EOD,达成 1000 积分的 Ruckers 不会惧怕任何困境。你们,就是我心中的RS「狂兵」。

patch is inpired by the 52nd Explosive Ordnance Group, or EOD. These
soldiers are responsible for attacking, defeating, and exploiting
unexploded ordnance. EOD Specialists are tactical and technical
explosives experts, and
is considered one of the most dangerous jobs in the Army. I
always wondered how they could keep calm in the face of death. I thought
to myself this is what courage is and I wanted to join their ranks. Just like these soldiers, Ruckers who reach 1000 points are not afraid of anything. That's why they're called Mad Ruckers!

2. 为城市积分贡献自己的个人力量

    Help your city earn all RS Plates.

城市积分是每个城市队员积分的总和,当你的城市总积分达成 2500 / 5000 / 10000 积分时,你所在的城市便能获得一枚 RS 负重徒步奖牌,要达成千位以上的积分并不容易,但是只要每个城市队员们齐心协力,达成 10000 积分并非不能。

more points you earn the more points your city earns. Help your city
earn all three of the plates below. It won't be easy but if you work
together nothing is impossible.

你的城市达成 2500积分里程时可获得里程负重金牌Your city squad(s) reaches 2500 Points.

你的城市达成 5,000积分 里程时可获得里程负重银牌Your city squad(s) reaches 5000 Points.

你的城市达成 10000积分 里程时可获得里程负重铜牌Your city squad(s) reaches 10000 Points.


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