

发表于 2020-10-19 11:12:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式




同派酒店管理集团运营副总裁 杨凡先生

    近日,同派酒店管理集团正式宣布杨凡(Jacky Yang)先生担任集团运营副总裁(Vice President, Operations Development ),全面负责同派酒店运营管理部、项目发展部、市场销售部的管理工作。




    在加入同派之前,杨凡先生曾供职于希尔顿酒店集团,他作为精选服务酒店品牌高级总监负责希尔顿大中华及蒙古地区所有希尔顿花园酒店的运营及品牌管理,同时也为希尔顿欢朋在中国加速增长提供协助。在任期间,杨凡先生带领团队将希尔顿花园项目在中国拓展到近百家。此前,他还先后任职于雅高、洲际等高端国际酒店品牌,并有着出色的成绩:他带领团队曾获得CHA 中国酒店大奖“最值得期待酒店开业大奖”;中国酒店星光奖“十佳新锐酒店”等业内殊荣。 

Recently, Mr. Jacky Yang was officially oppointed as VicePresident of Operations Development inTongpai Hotel Management , who is fullyresponsible for the management of Tongpai Hotel's Operations DevelopmentDepartment, Project Development Department, and Marketing Department.
The appointment of Mr. Yang Fan marks that Tongpai Hotelwill intensively develop business and customer experience, and continue tointroduce more efficient management models to create a new landmark of urbanlife with “trends, enjoyment and entertaining” for Tongpai.
Mr. Yang Fan has more than 20 years experience in hotelindustry and he has an incredible knowledge of the Chinese hotel market and hotelgroup operating models, who has excellent management ability and operationalexperience, also he is good at building a team with cohesion, creativity andexecution. After joining Tongpai, Mr. Fan Yang will lead the group's operationteam to establish an efficient management system, improve the user experience andservices of complex products, and guide marketing and business development. 
For this appointment, Mr. Yang Fan said: “Tongpai is ayoung brand. It’s my honor to be a member of Tongpai at the start-up period to growup together. We will regularly keep insight on individual needs of youngcustomers and let Tongpai experience deeply rooted in the hearts of people, andalso makes the guests full of inspiration and fun whether they live, work orhave dinner here, and recognize our quality. As an executive of the trendyhotel, Mr. Yang Fan also has the same characteristics with“Tongpai fellow”,whohas a wide range of hobbies and is keen on music and travel. I believe that hisjoining will pour into new vigor for thestart-ups of our new brand and leadthe most trendy new concept of shared life.
Before joining Tongpai, Mr. Fan Yang worked for HiltonHotels Group. As the senior director of selected service hotel brands, he wasresponsible for the operation and brand management of all Hilton Garden hotelsin Hilton Greater China and Mongolia. At the same time, he also help to acceleratethe development of Hilton Hampton in China. During his tenure, Mr. Yang Fan ledthe team to expand the Hilton Garden project to nearly 100 companies in China.Previously he has also worked for high-end international hotel brands such asAccor, InterContinental, and other high-end international hotel brands, andperformed very well. he led the team won the CHA China Hotel Award "MostExpected Hotel Opening Award"; China Hotel Starlight Award "Top TenNew Hotel" and other industry awards.


广西崇左丽世度假村及别墅总经理 温嘉仪女士



    温嘉仪女士拥有丰富的酒店筹备经验,对中国市场尤其熟悉,加上她出色的战略思维和极富个人魅力的管理风格,我们相信她将是丽世度假村和酒店首次亮相中国内地,并向大家诠释丽世‘更轻盈、更明亮’奢华度假理念的理想人选。”丽世酒店管理集团首席运营官Nitesh Pandey说道。





三亚美高梅度假酒店总经理 郑军先生





福州泰禾铂尔曼酒店总经理 赵峻先生

    近日,雅高酒店集团任命赵峻先生(James Zhao)为福州泰禾铂尔曼酒店总经理,将全面负责酒店的日常管理及运营工作。





武汉新世界酒店总经理 李伟豪先生





江阴万怡酒店总经理 周斌先生




云浮新兴筠城喜来登酒店总经理 黄华宁先生


Sheraton Yunfu Xinxing Hotelwelcomes its new General Manager, Mr. Harvey Huang, who will be fully in chargeof the management of the hotel, and leading the hotel team to provide Sheratonfeatured experiences for guests who stay or dine with the hotel. 
Graduated from the Griffith University, Mr. HarveyHuang is holding the degree of Master of Business, majoring in InternationalTourism and Hospitality Management. He started his career in hospitalityindustry from the operation department of the Traders Hotel, Shenyang in 1998,and cross-section developed as a chef of a café in Dublin, Ireland in the nextyear. With his profound operation experiences, Mr. Harvey Huang joined theHyatt Group afterwards, and started focusing on the field of Human Resources asan Assistant Training Manager of an individual property. After became theDirector of Human Resources, it only took him 5 years to developed to a GeneralManager. With his multi-functional experiences and professionalism, hesupported the opening of 2 hotels in Beijing and Guangdong of the group as aGeneral Manager. In the future, Mr. Harvey Huang will lead the team of SheratonYunfu Xinxing Hotel to continuously be outstanding in the market and achievingmore successes with his excellent management concept and the more than 20years’ industry experiences.


杭州泛海钓鱼台酒店总经理 王平先生


Diaoyutai MGMhospitality has recently appointed Mr. Dillon Wang as general manager ofDiaoyutai Hotel Hangzhou. Mr. Wang will be fully in charge of the hotel’soperation and management.
Mr. DillonWang joined hotel industry in 1988. His career began in Shangri-La hotels andhad worked in Beijing & Singapore Shangri-La hotels for more than 10 years.He had worked as general manager of different luxury hotels abroad. Mr. Wangalso worked as Professor & Associated Dean of Hospitality Industry Research Centerof Alumni Association of Beijing Hospitality Institute. Before he joinedDiaoyutai Hotel Hangzhou, Mr. Wang worked as General Manager of DiaoyutaiBoutique Hotel Chengdu.
Asa seasoned hotelier for more than 30-year working experience in the hospitalityindustry, Mr. Dillion Wang has a proven experience in hotel strategy-making andoperations.  Based on his sharp market perceptions and exceptionalleadership skill, Mr. Wang will lead the team seize market opportunity and makethe hotel be the benchmark of local market.


成都钓鱼台精品酒店总经理 陈水赞先生




南京鲁能美高梅美荟酒店总经理 牛倩女士

     钓鱼台美高梅酒店集团日前宣布,牛倩女士自2020年10月9日起正式出任集团首家美高梅美荟酒店--南京鲁能美高梅美荟酒店总经理。    牛倩女士与钓鱼台美高梅初次结缘于2015年。作为上海苏宁宝丽嘉酒店副总经理,牛倩女士在酒店开业及随后的经营管理过程中发挥了十分重要且积极的作用。    作为一名在酒店行业从业近20年的资深酒店人,牛倩女士在行业不同领域积累了丰富的管理工作经验。酒店运营方和业主方的双重工作背景,使得她拥有更为开阔的工作视野和颇为全面的管理实践经验。此前,牛倩女士曾在海航酒店集团总部及旗下酒店担任管理要职。2018年,她加入雅高美华酒店管理公司出任高端品牌运营总监,全面负责集团旗下美爵、诺富特品牌酒店的筹开和运营工作。同年3月,她被委任为上海证大美爵酒店总经理。     我们十分高兴且热忱欢迎牛倩女士再度回归,也期待牛倩女士凭借丰富的专业知识和卓越的运营管理能力引领南京鲁能美高梅美荟酒店首创辉煌。


杭州西湖希尔顿嘉悦里酒店商务发展总监 袁约翰先生

    近日, 杭州西湖希尔顿嘉悦里酒店好客大师(总经理)沈艺先生任命袁约翰先生为商务发展总监,全面负责酒店筹备开业期间销售战略、市场战略的制定以及酒店开业后市场的开发、营销和推广工作。    袁约翰先生拥超过十年的品牌酒店工作及管理经验,曾先后效力于万豪酒店集团,希尔顿集团,其敏锐的商业见解和洞察力为他开拓坚实的市场资源。此次履新前,袁约翰先生任职于杭州萧山中赢希尔顿酒店,担任商务发展总监一职。此次履新,袁约翰先生将全面推进即将开业的杭州西湖希尔顿嘉悦里酒店市场销售及推广工作。丰富的酒店市场销售领域的经验,敏锐的市场洞察力,灵活的市场战略部署和出色的团队领导力及沟通力,袁约翰先生必将在新的岗位上再创佳绩,带领商务发展团队出色的完成酒店开业筹备期的各项工作,并不断开拓市场、打造酒店品牌知名度,从而为酒店开业及后期销售营收做好充分的准备。

Canopy by Hilton Hangzhou West Lake is pleased to announce the appointment ofMr. John Yuan as the Lead Commercial Enthusiast. He will be fully responsiblefor sales and marketing strategy making during hotel pre-opening period as wellas marketing development and promotion after hotel opening.

Mr. John Yuan has more than 10 years working experience in hospitalityindustry. He has served for Marriott International Group, Hilton and accumulatedeep sales experience and rich international hotel management experience. Priorto his current position, he was the director of commercial of Hilton HangzhouXiaoshan. With strong marketing sense, rich hotel working experience, excellentleadership and passionate working attitude, John will lead Canopy by HiltonHangzhou West Lake Commercial team to successfully complete all kinds of tasksand projects during pre-opening period and consistently explore market,increase brand awareness and hotel reputations, so as to have fully preparationfor hotel opening and revenue driven after hotel trading. 


宁波万豪酒店市场销售总监 刁芝琳女士

    近日,宁波万豪酒店任命刁芝琳女士(Vicky Diao)为市场销售总监,全面负责酒店营销战略、市场推广及预订管理工作。 

 Ningbo Marriott Hotel is pleasedto announce that Ms. Vicky Diao has been appointed as Director of Marketing.She will be fully in charge of Sales & Marketing Department. 
Ms. Vicky Diao has more than 13 yearsof experience in international hospitality industry and she started her careerat Renaissance Shanghai Pudong Hotel. Ms. Vicky Diao joined Sheraton WenzhouHotel as Guest Service Manager in 2010, after accumulating plentiful experiencein hotel operation, she transferred to Sales & Marketing Department in 2013with her keen interest and enthusiasm in the field of sales and marketing.Since then, Ms. Vicky Diao has served as Director of Sales of Pullman WenzhouHotel and The Westin Wenzhou. During the pre-opening of The Westin Wenzhou, Ms.Vicky Diao was fully responsible for the management of Sales & MarketingDepartment. With her preeminent leadership and keen market insight, she hassuccessfully led the team and assisted hotel grand opening. Before joiningNingbo Marriott Hotel, Ms. Vicky Diao was appointed as Assistant of GeneralManager (in charge of Sales & Marketing Department) of Wyndham Zhuji West.Ms. Vicky Diao joined the pre-opening team of Wyndham Zhuji West as theDirector of Sales & Marketing, she led the team and assisted hotel grandopening and achieving the leading status in the market. 
After joining in Ningbo Marriott Hotel, Ms. Vicky Diao will lead theteam to further expanding of the market, continuous performance breakthroughsand profound achievements creating by virtue of her plentiful sales andmarketing experience, outstanding management ability and innovative marketingstrategies.


宁波华都豪生大酒店餐饮总监 陈作蒙先生

    近日,宁波华都豪生大酒店正式宣布任命陈作蒙先生(Michael Chen)为宁波华都豪生大酒店餐饮总监,陈作蒙先生将全面负责酒店宴会厅、会议室、中餐厅、西餐厅、大堂吧、厨房部的运营和管理工作。

Recently, Howard Johnson HuaduPlaza Ningbo Hotel officially announces Michael Chen as the Director of Foodand Beverage. Michael Chen will be fully responsible for department operationand management, such as the banquet hall, Conference hall, Chinese restaurantand Western restaurant, Lobby bar and Kitchen Department.
Michael Chen began his hotelindustry career from the Renaissance Shanghai Putuo Hotel in February 2011.Then, he has worked in many famous international hotels, such as Marriott,Sheraton, Wyndham and so on. According to the years of work experience, he hasvery unique theories and rich experience in dishes cooking and designing,banquet services and management, large conferences and banquet reception.
He feels so honored that he canjoin the Howard Johnson Huadu Plaza Ningbo Hotel. For the dishes production, hewill integrate new concepts of Chinese and Western food into the traditionalNingbo’s flavor, striving to bring totally new tasting and visual enjoyment tocustomers. For the catering services, he is trying to provide humanity,personalized, detailed services based on the standard services, which customerscan enjoy considerable housekeeper type service.
We believe that he will try tofulfill the operational and management philosophy of beyond imagination andmemorable of Howard Johnson Huadu Plaza Ningbo Hotel. Based on his uniquebanquet management ideas, rich catering service experiences, exploring and innovativespirit, working with hotel management and banquet team, which makes the F&Bdepartment of Howard Johnson Huadu Plaza Ningbo Hotel become a regionalstandard. Leading catering team to rise to the challenges and targets, whichbrings a new catering culture, physical and mental experience to customers ofNingbo. 
Atthe end of this year, Mr. Michael Chen will finish his master degree ininternational hospitality management of tourism management. Before he joinsHoward Johnson Huadu Plaza Ningbo Hotel, he serves Wyndham Hangzhou YuhangHotel and is fully responsible for the preparation and operation of the Foodand Beverage Department.


上海静安香格里拉大酒店行政总厨 马修先生

    近日,上海静安香格里拉大酒店任命马修(Matthew Bennink)先生为酒店行政总厨。马修来自澳大利亚,曾在阿联酋、菲律宾、泰国和中国等多个国家和地区工作并积累了二十余年的烹饪经验,厨艺精湛。



   “无论是为客人带来创新的餐饮体验,还是负责一场大型的宴会活动,马修总厨都具有非常专业的知识和能力。”上海静安香格里拉大酒店总经理史密斯(Nicholas Smith)先生表示,“我相信,以他丰富的经验,将带领酒店的烹饪团队更上一层楼,为客人带来更丰富的餐饮感官体验。


绍兴世茂皇冠假日酒店&绍兴世茂假日酒店行政总厨 张鹏先生





宁波万豪酒店行政总厨 韩兴华先生

    近日,宁波万豪酒店任命韩兴华先生(Harry Han)为行政总厨,全面负责酒店厨房团队的运营及管理工作。 

Ningbo Marriott Hotel is pleased toannounce that Mr. Harry Han has been appointed as Executive Chef. He will befully in charge of operation and management of hotel kitchen team. 
Mr. Harry Han comes from Wuxi and hasnearly 20 years of experience in kitchen operation and management ofinternational hospitality industry. He has the qualification of senior cooksand national senior public nutritionists. Mr. Harry Han successively served inmultiple international brand hotels such as Four Points by Sheraton Yangzhou,Radisson Blu Resort Wetland Park Wuxi, InterContinental Wuxi, Pullman WenzhouHotel and Pullman Tangshan Hotel, and appointed as management roles. Mr. HarryHan is an expert on French and Italian cuisine, and he also hasoutstanding inheritance and innovation for Huaiyang cuisine. 
In 2008, Mr. Harry Han led the team ofmore than 100 people to participate in the catering service for the athletes'village of Beijing Olympic Games, and won the honor of "AdvancedWorker" for his preeminent performance. In 2015, Mr. Harry Hanparticipated in the reception of the Meeting of Head of Government of China andCentral and Eastern European Countries, and led the team to successfully assistmomentous reception tasks. 
After joining in Ningbo Marriott Hotel, Mr. Harry Han will inject brandnew concepts into the restaurants production and kitchen management of thehotel by virtue of his superb professional skills and plentiful managementexperience, and lead the chef team to create memorable dining experiences forthe guests.


哈尔滨富力万达嘉华酒店行政总厨 田国先生


    田国先生加入酒店行业20余年,曾先后在万豪、雅高、万达等酒店集团任职,拥有丰富的烹饪运营与管理经验,擅长西餐及甜点。他坚持不断打磨烹饪手艺,追求出品的细节,不断创新菜系,致力于为宾客们打造难忘的美食体验。   相信田国先生的加入,定会为哈尔滨富力万达嘉华酒店厨师团队注入新的活力,使酒店的餐饮产品更加多样化,将美食的创新提升一个新的高度。
Recently, Hunter Tian has been appointed as Executive Chef of Wanda RealmHarbin. Before this, he was the Executive Chef of Wanda Realm Nanjing.
With over 20-year chef expeirnce in the hospitality industry, Hunterworked in Marriot, Accor and Wanda Hotel Group. He is an expert on westerncuisine and desserts. Moreover, he continues to explore his expertise andinnovate cuisines to create an unforgettable culinary experience for guests.
We are confident that Chef Hunter will inject new vitalities andinnovation into hotel.















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