Join our CDF Ambassadress contest! 凯瑟琳法式沙龙时尚大使选举
Dear friends, Catherine de France is giving you the opportunity to be part of its Ambassadress program. You are an active and social person. You like to get pampered and take care of yourself, you enjoy having beautiful hair and great makeup done. You already have a great network but still enjoy meeting new and interesting people. Most of all you know and enjoy Catherine de France salon. Then the Ambassadress program is made for you.
As an Ambassadress you will be granted a 2000 RMB VIP card every month and will be able to benefit from our hair and beauty services. Going from haircuts, colors, highlights, manicure, pedicure and many more excellent cares that we provide. As an Ambassadress you will represent Catherine de France at all times and team up with our wonderful beauty master team for 2 months. How to become an Ambassadress for Catherine de France?
Follow Catherine de France Wechat account (cdfsalonbj) Follow Catherine de France Official Wechat account (cdfsalon) Post a picture of yourself with a caption "Next Catherine de France Ambassadress" Share your post as much as you can Get as much likes as you can!
Good luck! Catherine de France ambassador program agreement will be signed by both parties. For any inquiry about the agreement rules please contact WeChat below or at the following number : 84425120
READY, SET, GO! Can’t wait to see you at Catherine de France!
Our beautiful Ambassadress from before:
Want to get 20% off? Share a picture of you & makea recommendation post. Inform your hairdresser and the reception at your booking!
亲爱的客户朋友们, 想要在凯瑟琳法式沙龙享受任意服务的八折优惠吗? 您可以在您的社交网络平台上转载关于我们沙龙服务的图片,在分享时提示我们,并于下次造访享受服务后在前台付款前出示 *不要忘记使用井号标签! *您的帖子自发布之日有效期为一周以上 *此折扣与任何其他促销活动不能同时享受
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*The post should be at least 1 week old *The discount is not cumulative with any other promotions!