

发表于 2021-3-2 17:31:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

An Interview with Mr. Roger Zhang, Regional General Manager of Shimao Star Hotels Group


1. 世茂喜达酒店集团是世茂集团和喜达屋资本强强联合打 造的酒店集团,是新兴民族酒店品牌。2020 年,民族品牌进入一个快速发展时期,市场趋向本土化,您认为民族品牌如何更好占据市场,如何将本土品牌的优势最大化? 

张璟璺先生:我们以匠心精神、国际视野打造中国民族酒店品牌,取得了长足的发展,与集团其他业务齐头并进;同时, 借力旅游市场蓬勃发展之势,世茂酒店立足中国,走向更大的国际舞台,铸造中国民族酒店的一个又一个里程碑,这些国内外取得的骄人成果都是民族品牌良好发展势头的有力证明。 

2. 世茂成都茂御酒店是茂御酒店品牌在中国西部市场的首次亮相,您认为酒店的入驻对于成都,甚至整个西部市场有什么意义?

张璟璺先生:成都作为热门旅游城市,世茂成都茂御酒店的入驻是世茂喜达酒店集团深入布局国内经济和旅游发展强劲地区的重要战略,同时作为茂御品牌的旗舰项目,承载着重要的责任和使命,这个项目的成功也将助力世茂喜达酒店集团签 约项目的运营和发展。

3. 您是一个资深酒店人,曾服务于众多国际酒店品牌,如今担任世茂喜达酒店集团区域总经理,在您看来,相比于国际品牌,民族品牌在管理上有什么不同的地方? 


4. 作为区域总经理,您认为如何才能让世茂喜达酒店集团 在西部区域取得更大的竞争力 ? 

张璟璺先生:我们始终秉承匠心、诚信、融合打造民族酒 店品牌的理念,接纳新思想,及时捕捉到时代变化带来的商机, 坚守诚信,精心打造自己的产品,并利用自己的优势去将企业做大做强。同时我们也依托集团优势,同时牢牢把握‘客源、系统、 人才’三大核心要素,以精细化的运营和领先市场的盈利能力, 助力旗下各单体酒店在激烈的酒店市场竞争中持续发力。

1. Shimao Star Hotels Group is a rising Chinese hotel brand and a joint effort of Shimao Group and Starwood Capital Group. Chinese hotel brands experienced a fast pace of growth in 2020 as the market is increasingly interested in hotels with local traits. Could you share your view on what Chinese brands can do to seize more market opportunities and give full play to their advantages?

Mr. Roger Zhang : With ingenuity corporate culture and international vision, Shimao Star Hotels Group has made great progress in building Chinese hotel brand. At the same time, taking advantage of the booming tourism market, Shimao Star Hotels Group is thrive in China, moving towards a larger international stage, and casting one mileage after another of Chinese hotels. These remarkable achievements at home and abroad are strong proof of the good development momentum of homegrown hotels.

2. Shimao Yuluxe Hotel Chengdu is the first debut of Shimao Star Hotels Group in west China. How would you look at the meaning of this inception to the entire West China market? 

Mr. Roger Zhang: The entry of Shimao Yuluxe Hotel Chengdu is an important strategy for Shimao Star Hotels Group to make in-depth layout of domestic areas with strong economic and tourism development. At the same time we place high hopes and responsibilities on Shimao Yuluxe Hotel Chengdu, as it is a flagship project for the Yuluxe brand. The success of this project will also help Shimao Star Hotels Group to develop new contract in west China. 

3. As a veteran hotelier in the industry who has worked with a number of international hotel brands and now Area General Manager at Shimao Star Hotels Group, what do you see as the difference between the brand management at an international hotel and that at a local one? 

Mr. Roger Zhang: In the past cooperation with international bands, we have learned all the good experiences and accumulated a lot of things. We know the pain points of owners and what they want. Combined with the past experience, in the management of Chinese brand hotels, we pay attention to the cost consideration of architecture and design in the initial stage, control the operation quality in the medium term, and guarantee the high return on investment in the later stage, so as to create a comprehensive and complete management system.

4. As Area General Manager, what is important for Shimao Star Hotels Group to gain greater competitive advantages in West China? 

Mr. Roger Zhang: Relying on the advantages of the Shimao Star Hotels Group, we firmly grasping the three core competition elements of "customer source, distribution channel and talent", with professional operation management and market leading profitability, we help our individual hotels to deeply expand in the regional market. At the same time, reduce operating costs, improve investment returns, continue to make efforts in the fierce market competition.


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