St. Regis Butler Service has been a treasured hallmark of the St. Regis experience since the very first guests were welcomed in 1904 when Colonel John Jacob Astor IV, son of Caroline“The Mrs. Astor,” debuted his hotel, The St. Regis New York. His vision was to marry the innovative edge of American invention with European opulence and hotel keeping tradition by creating “the finest hotel in the world.” This required two factors - exceptional service by an equally exceptional staff. This commitment to excellence was personified by the signature St. Regis Butler, who embodied that spirit then and still does today.
St. Regis Butler Service was personal service redefined; the beginning of the start of a revolutionary institution. It was born out of a need to fulfill every guest's desire as if it were second nature; going Beyond Expectation to provide service which is authentic, meaningful and generous.
Building upon more than 100 years of legendary service, today’s St. Regis Butler acts as a trusted personal assistant who anticipates and attends to any and every guest need; poised and ready to give you back time, be it an extra hour at the beach while the butler packs your bags or a salvaged morning to work on a presentation while the butler packs and ships materials to your next destination. Time, after all, is the ultimate luxury. 历史 延续百年的经典传承。 自从 CarolineAstor 夫人的儿子 Colonel John Jacob Astor IV 于 1904 年创办纽约瑞吉酒店并迎来首批客人开始,瑞吉管家服务就一直是瑞吉酒店体验的珍贵标志。 他的愿景是将美国发明的创新优势与源自欧洲的典雅华丽相互交融,让酒店在打造“世界最佳酒店”的同时仍能保持特有的经典传统。而这些愿景的实现则需要两个因素——卓越非凡的服务和同样卓越非凡的员工。为了实现在追求卓越方面的承诺,瑞吉特别推出了著名的瑞吉管家服务,融入管家服务的精神并一直传承延续至今。
瑞吉管家服务既是对私人服务的重新诠释,也是一种创新性制度的最初起源。 这种制度之所以诞生是因为:瑞吉希望满足每位客人的需求并使之成为瑞吉的第二特色;瑞吉希望提供超越期望的服务——热情周到、意义非凡且高贵大方。
在经过 100 多年传奇服务的历练之后,如今的瑞吉管家已俨然成为值得信赖的个人助理,能够准确预测和满足每位客人的需求。他们随时准备为客人节省更多时间:在管家打包行李时,客人就能在海滩上多享受一个小时的悠闲放松;在管家整理材料并发往下个目的地期间,客人就能利用难得的晨间时光来准备演示文稿。毕竟,时间才是极致奢华的宝贵财富!
St. Regis Butler Service provides a wide range of services to guests – essentially, anything a guest would ask for. However, there are 5 key signature services which are offered with our compliments at every St. Regis hotel and resort around the world. 瑞吉管家服务为客人提供各种服务——基本上涵盖了客人可能会需要的方方面面。但是,在全球各地瑞吉酒店及度假村提供的 5 项免费重要特色服务更是举世闻名。
Unpacking & Packing Allow a St. Regis Butler to take care of the unpacking and storage of your luggage so you may simply relax and enjoy your time. Before you depart, contact the Butler Service Desk to assist with gathering and folding your garments for the journey home. 行李整理服务 请允许瑞吉管家为您提供行李开箱和存放服务——从而让您尽享放松与惬意。在您离开之前,请联系管家服务台来帮助您收集和叠放衣物,以便为您的回家行程做好准备。 Beverage Service
Upon arrival, allow a St. Regis Butler to arrange coffee or tea service in your room. If you wish, a St. Regis Butler will arrive after your morning wake-up call to draw your shades, deliver your coffee or tea, and provide the day's newspaper and weather forecast. 饮料服务 当您抵达时,瑞吉管家将为您在客房内提供咖啡或茶水服务。如果您愿意的话,瑞吉管家还会在晨间唤醒电话后来到客房中为您拉开窗帘迎接清晨阳光,同时送上晨间咖啡或茶水以及当天的报纸和天气预报。
Garment Pressing Once unpacked, simply let your St. Regis Butler know which garments require pressing and they will be pleased to assist, returning the garments to your wardrobe promptly. Two garments per person perday may be pressed complimentary. 衣物熨烫服务 行李开箱之后,只需让您的瑞吉管家知道哪些衣物需要熨烫,他们将十分乐意提供协助,并及时将衣物送回您的衣柜。每人每天可免费熨烫两件衣物。
Service Desk Honored to carry on a century of tradition of making guests feel at home, the St. Regis Butler Service Desk is available at every St. Regis hotel around the world. Should you need anything, at any time, please dial the St. Regis Butler Service Desk for prompt assistance. 服务中心 为了让客人获得宾至如归的美妙体验,全球各地的每家瑞吉酒店都在提供一项延续百年的历史传统,那就是瑞吉管家服务中心。无论您需要什么、也无论您何时需要,请致电瑞吉管家服务中心来获得及时的帮助。
eButler During your stay, whether you are inside or outside the hotel, St. Regis Butler Service is accessible at any hour via email. Simply send your request and allow the St. Regis Butler Service Desk to assist. 电子管家 在您住宿期间,无论您身在酒店内或酒店外,都可随时通过电子邮件获得瑞吉管家服务。只需简单发送您的请求,瑞吉管家服务中心将及时安排相关协助。